

The client has an existing Integration Manager integration and wants to concatenate two source fields into the SOP Line Comments. This short article will show how to do it.


I have an existing piece of code at a customer (a law firm) that takes a set of data and transforms it into an XML document and transfers it to another system. I'm using CDATA to encapsulate the notes field, because there's a lot of trouble in there. 

That has been working fine for several years, but this week a user entered an odd character (¬) in the data and it crashed the XML. I was getting XML parsing: line 1, character 265, illegal xml character errors.

So, I wrote a trigger that scrubs SY03900 and dis-allows any characters except normal keyboard characters, and the Carriage Return and Line Feed characters.

I tested the trigger using this string:

!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ



This article contains a sample XML document for the BRTransactionType eConnect document. It contains the taBRBankTransactionDist and taBRBankTransactionHeader nodes

This article contains a complete working code sample for the eConnect BRBankTransaction document.

This article contains code for a SQL view template.

I work for 4 or 5 customers a day on support calls; I don't have the luxury of setting up SQL Server SSMS the way that I like it and coding blissfully.

A basic task for me would be creating a view; but I really don't like the templates that come with SQL. So, here's my template.

The task here is to launch an existing custom SSRS report from inside of Dynamics GP. This code was tested against GP2010.

The screen shot above shows the Sales desktop with the Report List option selected. The Sales Report Summary report was added using the technique outlined below.


Hi All,


I have a modified Sales Tranaction Entry window with some extra fields in the linescroll grid.  I need to populate these field when order number changes or update after user has entered a new value. I am trying to use linescroll events in order to first find lineItemSeuence but without success. Is there any other event that can accomplish this?






We are trying to transfer an inventory item to a Project in Project Accounting(PA) and have resorted to using SQL profiler to try and reproduce the actions taken by GP2010 to simulate the process.  It seems there are no eConnect schema/node combinations to perform this operation for us but I still believe there may be a better way then manually brute-forcing our way through.  I was told to extend eConnect by producing a new custom node but this would still require an in-depth understanding of what is happening behind the scenes of GP and Dexterity while building the necessary stored procedures.  Any suggestions or advice?


Thanks in advance,


Edit 9/16/15 View the main article for this error here and here

I have the following XML to enter 1 line item  $199.95  with 7% Tax:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <eConnectProcessInfo xsi:nil="true"/>
        <taRequesterTrxDisabler_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
        <taUpdateCreateItemRcd xsi:nil="true"/>
        <taUpdateCreateCustomerRcd xsi:nil="true"/>
        <taCreateCustomerAddress_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
        <taSopSerial_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
        <taSopLotAuto_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
                <ITEMDESC>RE1000 Scanner Combo - Internet Only Special!</ITEMDESC>
        <taSopLineIvcInsertComponent_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
        <taSopTrackingNum_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
        <taSopCommissions_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
                <TAXDTLID>NJ - 7%</TAXDTLID>
                <CUSTNAME>lois gardner</CUSTNAME>
        <taSopUserDefined xsi:nil="true"/>
        <taSopDistribution_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
        <taAnalyticsDistribution_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
        <taSopMultiBin_Items xsi:nil="true"/>
            <TAXSCHID>NJ - 7%</TAXSCHID>
            <CUSTNAME>lois gardner</CUSTNAME>
            <ShipToName>lois gardner</ShipToName>
            <ADDRESS1>55 ashwood dr </ADDRESS1>
            <CITY>brick </CITY>
            <STATE>New Jersey </STATE>
            <ZIPCODE>08723 </ZIPCODE>
            <COUNTRY>US </COUNTRY>
            <PYMTRMID>COD - Cash</PYMTRMID>
        <taSopToPopLink xsi:nil="true"/>
        <taSopUpdateCreateProcessHold xsi:nil="true"/>
        <taCreateSOPTrackingInfo xsi:nil="true"/>
        <taMdaUpdate_Items xsi:nil="true"/>

Why am I getting the error:


Error Number = 62  Stored Procedure= taSopHdrIvcInsert  Error Description = Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount 

What field(s) makes a record unique in th GL20000/GL30000 tables?


Hi Guys,

I have set up a .net form button to open an existing dexterity lookup form based on the lookup samples but once the lookup window is opened and I type something in my lookup field, tab, backspace etc don't work and I get funny characters come up see below. This only happens if the .net form that calls the lookup is opened modally eg showdialog(). 

Any help would be appreciated and no I can't just open my .net form modeless.



hi all,

I am building an employee website so that employees can log in and get their paystub info, view vacation balances, change contact information, etc....

I know this is what the business portal does, but I don't want to expose sharepoint and the business portal to the public.  so I am making a website in an website.

my main question at this point is:  where does the info on the employee pay detail page come from?  is this one or more stored procs, or is the page doing a lot of processing to show the pay stub?

http://mySharepointSite/BusinessPortal/Applications/Hrm/PayCheckDetailView.aspx      ?auditcontrolid=UPRCC00000520   &   paymentnumber=29434#

I tried to find this page, but it looks like it is compiled.



I'm writing an integration that utilizes Entity Framework, to pull data from GP, and then utilizes eConnect to create Time and Expense records.  The Fabrikam database comes with the Project Accounting module installed, but the employees are not configured to be able to accept expenses.  If I try to create an expense either via the UI or via eConnect, I get the same error, that the employee does not have a vendor record.  I've gone through the GP admin documentation, but its pretty cryptic and a number of the paths that are spelled out don't actually work or exist.  

Has anyone out there successfully configured the Fabrikam db to allow Project Accounting users to be able to create expense records.  If yes, can you please explain how to do this?  Pointing me to GP documentation won't be much help...


Does anyone know what the values  10, 20, etc., mean in table SVC35000, field RMA_Status?

This code sample shows how to get a 'Confirm Delete?' popup on an ASP.NET radgrid                       
I had an issue with the user clicking on the 'save' button before getting off the new row, and the new row would not save.                        
Table Definition Quick Links
All Tables
SOP Tables
RM Tables
GL Tables
POP Tables
HR Tables
PM Tables
UPR Tables
IV Tables
Olympic Tables