Ranger 12/16/2013 11:18:20 AM

EmployeeSummary view question

hi all,

I am building an employee website so that employees can log in and get their paystub info, view vacation balances, change contact information, etc....

I know this is what the business portal does, but I don't want to expose sharepoint and the business portal to the public.  so I am making a website in an asp.net website.

my main question at this point is:  where does the info on the employee pay detail page come from?  is this one or more stored procs, or is the page doing a lot of processing to show the pay stub?

http://mySharepointSite/BusinessPortal/Applications/Hrm/PayCheckDetailView.aspx      ?auditcontrolid=UPRCC00000520   &   paymentnumber=29434#

I tried to find this page, but it looks like it is compiled.


Version: GP 2010
Section: .NET Development, Dynamics GP, SQL Scripts

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