DanielE 9/30/2009 10:00:14 AM

Stored Procedure taSopLineIvcInsert Error Description = AUTOALLOCATELOT = 1 and the SOP10101 qty fulfilled does not match the Sop Line fulfilled

Edit 9/17/15 View the main article for this error here 

I mentioned last week that I was having trouble updating a SOP line using eConnect when the line contained a lotted item. I asked Microsoft, they advised me to delete the line and re-add it. That worked swimmingly. I got this error when testing:

Stored Procedure taSopLineIvcInsert  Error Description = AUTOALLOCATELOT = 1 and the SOP10101 qty fulfilled does not match the Sop Line fulfilled

and I thought I'd take a second and document it.


Version: GP 9
Section: eConnect

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