lonnienelson 3/2/2021 3:32:32 PM

Transferring Customer PO # from SOP return to RM and PM tables

We have a process for issuing refunds to vendors that involves creating an SOP return and posting it, creating a refund check from that return and using that to generate a payable transaction that we can use to send a payment to a vendor. I am trying to enhance this process so that the customer PO number from the original SOP document flows through the RM and PM tables so I can add that to the check stub and a custom report we send to the vendor at the time of payment.

I've looked for standard processes that would do this since the payables transactions seem to already have a PO number field, but I haven't found any configuration that allows for the PO number to be copied over during transfer. I am trying to find a way to modify it myself to transfer the PO number over, but I am having a hard time figuring out how the tables and processes work from SOP to RM to PM so that I can add some custom code to do this. 

Has anyone done anything like this before or have any insights about how these tables or processes are structured that might help me figure out how to modify it to get the PO number to copy over when it transfers to RM and PM? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Version: GP 2015
Section: Dexterity, Dynamics GP

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