NaomiP 5/28/2009 3:38:00 PM

POP10100 fields

The POP_PO table contains the identifying document information for non-historical purchase orders.

Display Name Purchase Order Work
O/S Name POP10100
Field descriptions: (Required fields appear in bold and are underlined)

PO Number The unique identifying number of the document.  (The document should not exist in Purchase Order history.)

PO Status  Status assigned to the Purchase Order

Status Group Assigned when the status of the purchase order changes and is used to group Purchase Orders by status types to enable ranging on active (New, Open or Modified)  or closed (Canceled or Closed ) purchase orders.

PO Type  Type of Purchase Order 
   1 = Standard
  2 = Drop Ship
  3 = Blanket
  4 = Blanket Drop Ship

User To Enter The User ID of the current user in the system when the purchase order document was created.

Confirm With Name or Initials of the person in company with whom the order should be authorized or approved

Document Date The date of the document. Changes to this date may also cause the payment terms to recalculate.

Last Edit Date Date the Purchase Order was last modified.  This date is not updated when the PO is being printed, even if printing changes the status. It also is not updated when a PO with a New status is received against and the status is changed to Open.

Last Printed Date The last date the Purchase Order was printed.

Promised Date The Promised Date when your vendor promised you would have your merchandise.

Promised Ship Date The Promised Ship Date when your vendor promised to ship your merchandise.

Required Date Required Date by which you must receive the items.

Requisition Date Requisition Date for a Purchase Order.

Shipping Method The assigned shipping method for a purchase order.

Tax Registration Number The tax registration number is stored here. It is for user reference only.

Remaining Subtotal The sum of the originating remaining line item amounts in the related POP_POLine records converted to functional.  Originating remaining line item amounts are calculated as follows:  Quantity Remaining to Invoice * Originating Unit Cost.  Quantity Remaining to Invoice = Quantity Ordered - Quantity Canceled - Posted to Date Invoiced - Unposted Invoiced

Subtotal The total of the originating extended costs of all line items converted to functional.

Trade Discount Amount The amount of the trade discount on this purchase order document.

Freight Amount The freight amount entered for a purchase order

Misc Charges Amount Used for Miscellaneous charges entered on a Purchase Order

Tax Amount The Tax Amount entered on the purchase order document.

Vendor ID The assigned Vendor ID for the purchase order.

Vendor Name The name of the vendor from the PM_Vendor_MSTR table for the Vendor ID assigned.

Minimum Order The Vendor’s Minimum Order Amount in functional.

Vendor Address Code - Purchase Address The Address Code for the Vendor Purchase Address ID

Company ID Company ID in which the Purchase Order was entered.  It is used on reports to establish a relation to the Company location addresses.  Found in the Company Master table (SY01500)

Primary Billto Address Code Address Code for the Bill To Address ID

Primary Shipto Address Code Address Code for the Ship To Address ID.

Company Name Company Name for the Ship To Address ID. 

Contact Contact for the Ship To Address ID

Address 1 Line 1 of the Ship To Address ID

Address 2 Line 2 of the Ship To Address ID

Address 3 Line 3 of the Ship To Address ID

City City for the Ship To Address ID

State State for the Ship To Address ID.

ZipCode The Zip Code for the Ship To Address ID.

Country Code: Country Code to which this address belongs to.

Country Country for the Ship To Address ID

Phone 1 Phone 1 for the Ship To  Address ID

Phone 2 Phone 2 Ship To Address ID

Phone 3 Phone 3 Ship To Address ID

Fax The Fax phone number for the Ship To Address ID

Payment Terms ID Used to calculate the Discount Amount Available

Discount Dollar Amount The discount available amount for payment terms when entered by the user and not calculated

Discount Percent Amount Used to determine the Discount Amount Available (Not used if Payment Term ID is being used)

Discount Amount Available The discount amount available for the assigned Payment Term ID

Discount Date The date the discount expires (required if discounts are calculated)

Due Date The date payment is due. It is set to document date if there are no payment terms.

Trade Discount Percent (Precise) Should be set to the percent (%) which will yield :
 Trade Discount Percent (Precise) * Subtotal = Trade Discount Amount

Customer Number The assigned customer number for a drop-ship purchase order

Times Printed The number of times the purchase order document has been printed.

Created Date The system date of the first save of the purchase order

Modified Date Updated with system date each time document is saved. (Not updated.)

PO Note ID Array Note Index Array for all purchase order note indexes:
 [1] PO Note Index - POP_PONOTEID_PO
 [2] Buyer Note Index - POP_PONOTEID_BUYER
 [3] Vendor ID Index - POP_PONOTEID_VENDOR
 [4] Comment Note Index - POP_PONOTEID_COMMENT
 [5] Payment Term ID Note Index - POP_PONOTEID_PAYTERM
 [6] Shipping Method Note Index - POP_PONOTEID_SHIPMETHOD
 [7] Currency ID Index - POP_PONOTEID_CURRENCY
 [8] Tax Schedule Index - POP_PONOTEID_TAXSCHED
 [9] Freight Tax Schedule Index - POP_PONOTEID_FREIGHTTAXSCHED
 [10] Misc Tax Schedule Index - POP_PONOTEID_MISCTAXSCHED
 [11] Contract Number Index - POP_PONOTEID_CONTRACTNUMBER
 [12] not used at this time
 [13] not used at this time
 [14] not used at this time
 [15] not used at this time

Comment ID  The ID of the comment

Canceled Subtotal The originating extended cost for the canceled quantity for all line items converted to functional.

Currency ID  Currency ID of the transaction.  If not a multi-currency transaction,
  leave blank. 

Currency Index  Currency index of the transaction.  If not a multi-currency transaction,
  leave blank. 

Rate Type ID  Rate Type ID of the transaction.  If not a multi-currency transaction,
  leave blank. 

Exchange Table ID  Exchange Table ID of the transaction.  If not a multi-currency transaction, leave blank. 

Exchange Rate  Exchange Rate of the transaction.  If not a multi-currency transaction,
  leave blank.  If there is triangulation and both rates are fixed, this is the originating to euro fixed rate.  Otherwise, this is the variable rate.

Exchange Date  Exchange Date of the transaction.  If not a multi-currency transaction,
  leave blank. 

Time  Time of the transaction, used for exchange rate purposes.  If not a multi-currency transaction, leave blank. 

Rate Calc Method  Rate Calc Method of the transaction.  If not a multi-currency transaction, leave blank. 
  1 = DIVIDE

Denomination Exchange Rate  Denomination Exchange Rate of the transaction. If there is triangulation, this is the fixed rate.  If both rates are fixed, this is the euro to functional fixed rate.  If there is no triangulation or a non multi-currency transaction, this is 0.0

MC Transaction State  MC Transaction State of the transaction.  If not a multi-currency transaction, leave blank.  State the transaction was created in.
  0 = Euro currency is not created or no denomination currencies are enabled.
  1 = Originating is not a denomination; Functional is not a denomination
  2 = Originating is not a denomination; Functional is the Euro currency.
  3 = Originating is not a denomination; Functional is a denomination.
  4 = Originating is a denomination; Functional is not a denomination.
  5 = Originating is a denomination; Functional is a denomination.
  6 = Originating is a denomination; Functional is the Euro currency.
  7 = Originating is the Euro currency; Functional is a denomination.
  8 = Originating is the Euro currency; Functional is not a denomination.

Originating Remaining Subtotal The sum of the remaining line item amounts in the related POP_POLine records.  Remaining line item amounts are calculated as follows:  Quantity Remaining to Invoice * Originating Unit Cost.  Quantity Remaining to Invoice = Quantity Ordered - Quantity Canceled - Posted to Date Invoiced - Unposted Invoiced

Originating Subtotal  The total of the originating extended costs of all line items.

The following fields must be imported regardless of if Multi-Currency is registered.  If the transaction is
not a multi-currency transaction, then fill the field with the same value of the corresponding non-mc
field.  Example:  If Freight Amount = $3.00, then set Originating Freight Amount to
the same amount.  If Freight Amount = $0.  Then leave the Originating Freight Amount
Freight blank also.
                Originating Canceled Subtotal 

Originating Trade Discount Amount

Originating Freight Amount

Originating Misc Charges Amount

Originating Tax Amount

Originating Discount Dollar Amount

Originating Discount Amount Available

Buyer ID  The username of the user that entered the POP TRx

On Order Amount  The sum of the originating on order amounts in the related POP_POLine records converted to functional.  Originating on order amounts are calculated as follows: ( Current Order Qty * Originating Unit Cost ) – Originating Posted Subtotal.   Current Order Qty = QTY Ordered  - QTY Canceled.

Originating On Order Amount  The sum of the originating on order amounts in the related POP_POLine records converted to functional.  Originating on order amounts are calculated as follows: ( Current Order Qty * Originating Unit Cost ) – Originating Posted Subtotal.   Current Order Qty = QTY Ordered  - QTY Canceled.

Hold Designates whether the Purchase Order document is on hold.
  0 - False
 1 – True

On Hold Date The date the purchase order document was placed on hold.

On Hold By The User ID of the current user in the system at the time the purchase order was placed on hold.

Hold Remove Date The date the purchase order document was taken off hold.

Hold Remove By The User ID of the current user in the system at the time the purchase order was taken off hold status.

Allow SO Commitments This field determines if Sales Order Processing documents are allowed to be committed to this Purchase Order document and whether the items purchased on this Purchase order may be reserved for a specific sales order.
  0 - False
 1 – True

Discount Grace Period  The number of grace period days assigned to the vendor on the purchase order

Due Date Grace Period The due date for the discount grace period

Revision Number Used to print revision number on a revised PO.  Leave empty for importing

Change Order Flag Will determine if “Change Order will print next time the order is printed.  Leave empty for importing

PO Field Changes Used to determine which items have changes since the last time the PO was printed.  Leave empty for importing

PO Status Orig The status of the PO
 1 – New
 2 – Released
 3 – Change Order
 4 – Received
 5 – Closed
 6 – Canceled

Tax Schedule ID: Default tax schedule used for transactions.  The tax schedule should exist in the TX_Schedule_MSTR file.

Tax Schedule Source: Source of the tax schedule, the following source and constants are available.

Tax Engine Called: Set to true.  This field indicates whether the tax engine has been run.

Based On Invoice Total: This field contains information regarding whether the line item contains taxes which are based on the invoice total.
 True = Line items contains taxes based on invoice total.
 False = Line item does not contain taxes based on invoice total.

Purchase Freight Taxable: Value  indicating how Freight amounts are taxed.
 1 – Taxable
 2 – Nontaxable
 3 – Base on Vendor

Purchase Misc Taxable: Value indicating how Miscellaneous amounts are taxed.
 1 – Taxable
 2 – Nontaxable
 3 – Base on Vendor

Freight Schedule ID: The schedule masked against the Tax Schedule ID to determine which tax details are applicable for the freight amount field.  There must be a record in the TX_Schedule_MSTR file with this ID.

Misc Schedule ID: 

Freight Tax Amount: The tax amount from the ‘Freight Amount’ field.  This field is needed for backing out tax included with item price.

Originating Freight Tax Amount: The tax amount from the ‘Freight Amount’ field in the Originating Currency.  Set to Freight Tax Amount for non-MC transactions.

Misc Tax Amount: The tax amount from the ‘Misc Charges Amount’ field.  This field is needed for backing out tax included with item price.

Originating Misc Tax Amount: The tax amount from the ‘Misc Charges Amount’ field in the Originating Currency.  Set to Misc Tax Amount for non-MC transactions.

Backout Tax Amount If there is a tax included with item price detail, this is the amount of the backout tax.

Originating Backout Tax Amount: This field must be imported regardless of if Multi-Currency is registered.  If the transaction is not a multi-currency transaction, then fill the field with the same value of the corresponding non-MC field.

Backout Freight Tax Amount:

Originating Backout Freight Tax Amount:

Backout Misc Tax Amount:

Originating Backout Misc Tax Amount:

Flags: The Flags field is used to determine if the address attributes have been modified.

Backout Trade Discount Tax Amount: Amount of “Tax Included in Item Price” associated with the Trade Discount Amount.

Originating Backout Trade Discount
Tax Amount: Amount of “Tax Included in Item Price” associated with the Originating Trade Discount Amount.

POP Contract Number: Contract Number assigned to this Purchase Order.
Contract End Date: Date the contract will expire.

Control Blanket By: Blanket PO can be controlled by Item Quantities or Item Value.  The following constants are provided. 


Purchase Company Name: Purchase Address Company Name

Purchase Contact: Purchase Address Contact

Purchase Address 1: Purchase Address 1

Purchase Address 2: Purchase Address 2

Purchase Address 3: Purchase Address 3

Purchase City: Purchase Address City

Purchase State: Purchase Address State

Purchase Zip Code: Purchase Address Zip Code

Purchase Country Code: Purchase Address Country Code

Purchase Country: Purchase Address Country

Purchase Phone 1: Purchase Address Phone 1

Purchase Phone 2: Purchase Address Phone 2

Purchase Phone 3: Purchase Address Phone 3

Purchase Fax: Purchase Address Fax

Total Blanket Line Ext Qty: Sum of all the Blanket Detail Line Quantities in Base U of M.

Cash Based VAT: True or False depending on whether the vendor is a cash based VAT or not.

Version: Unknown or N/A
Section: Dynamics GP
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