vmanfredi 4/7/2016 6:44:20 AM

update a sales order with tracking

Hi we are getting an error trying to update a sales order with the tracking number. Any help would be appricated




the inner exception is this

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.BusinessLogic.FilterUpdateList[T](List`1 newList, List`1 originalList)

   at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.SalesDocumentDefaultStrategyImplementation.FilterTrackingNumbers()

   at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.SalesDocumentDefaultStrategyImplementation.DefaultingForUpdate(Object sender, BusinessObjectUpdateEventArgs e)

   at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.SalesDocumentDefaultStrategy.DefaultingForUpdate(Object sender, BusinessObjectUpdateEventArgs e)

the exception detail is

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)

   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)

   at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)

   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Common.EventManager.RaiseEvent(Object source, String targetName, String eventName, EventArgs args)

   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Common.BusinessEventManager.RaiseEvent(Object source, String eventName, BusinessObjectEventArgs args)

   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Common.BusinessService.Update(BusinessObject businessObject, Context context, Policy policy)



The code is this

Imports WS_CompanyName.CompanyName
Imports System.ServiceModel
Module SendTracking

    Public Sub SendTracking()
        Dim SalesOrderNumber As String = "235119"
        Dim TrackNums() As String = {"664496187640"}
        Dim companyKey As CompanyKey
        Dim context As Context

        Dim UpdSalesOrderPolicy As Policy
        Dim wsDynamicsGP As New DynamicsGPClient
        Dim myCred As System.Net.NetworkCredential = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(Credentials go here removed by author)
         wsDynamicsGP.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = myCred

        ' Create a context with which to call the service
        context = New Context()
        ' Specify which company to use (sample company)
        companyKey = New CompanyKey()
        companyKey.Id = (3)
        ' Set up the context object
        context.OrganizationKey = CType(companyKey, OrganizationKey)
        UpdSalesOrderPolicy = wsDynamicsGP.GetPolicyByOperation("UpdateSalesOrder", context)
        Dim SlsTrackNums(1) As SalesTrackingNumber
        Dim Indx As Integer = 0
        For Each strTrack As String In TrackNums
            SlsTrackNums(Indx) = New SalesTrackingNumber()
            SlsTrackNums(Indx).DeleteOnUpdate = True
            SlsTrackNums(Indx).Key = New SalesTrackingNumberKey()
            SlsTrackNums(Indx).Key.Id = strTrack
            SlsTrackNums(Indx).Key.SalesDocumentKey = New SalesDocumentKey()
            SlsTrackNums(Indx).Key.SalesDocumentKey.Id = SalesOrderNumber

        Dim SO As New SalesOrder()
        SO.BatchKey = New BatchKey
        SO.BatchKey.CompanyKey = companyKey
        SO.BatchKey.Id = "20160406"
        SO.TrackingNumbers = SlsTrackNums
        SO.Key = New SalesDocumentKey()
        SO.Key.Id = SalesOrderNumber
        Dim InvDate As Date = DateTime.Now
        SO.ActualShipDate = InvDate.ToShortDateString()
        SO.InvoiceDate = InvDate.ToShortDateString()
        SO.LineTotalAmount = MakeMoneyAmtObj("29.00")
        SO.FreightAmount = MakeMoneyAmtObj("4.50")
        SO.ShippingProcessStatus = ShippingProcessStatus.Shipped
        SO.TotalAmount = MakeMoneyAmtObj("33.50")
        Dim PO As SalesDocument

        wsDynamicsGP.UpdateSalesOrder(SO, context, UpdSalesOrderPolicy) ERROR OCCURS HERE WHILE STEPPING THROUGH THE CODE
    End Sub
    Private Function MakeMoneyAmtObj(ByVal DollarAmount As String) As WS_CompanyName.CompanyName.MoneyAmount
        Dim dblAmount As Double = 0
        If Double.TryParse(DollarAmount, dblAmount) = False Then
            Console.WriteLine("Error converting " & DollarAmount & " to a double, GP2013_Invoices.MakeMoneyObj")
        End If
        Dim SubTtl As New WS_CompanyName.CompanyName.MoneyAmount
        SubTtl.Currency = "USD"
        SubTtl.DecimalDigits = "2"
        SubTtl.Value = dblAmount
        Return SubTtl
    End Function
End Module

Version: GP 2013
Section: .NET Development, Dynamics GP, eConnect, Web Services

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