thruway 3/23/2016 4:35:10 PM

Web Services GetVendorByKey, Hexadecimal value 0x06 is an invalid character.

I am developing an Intranet site that utilizes GP Web Services to manage Vendor information (among other things). Today I noticed that the GetVendorByKey method was failing for one of our Vendors.

We have tested quite a few Vendors, and this is the first time that this error has occurred.

I'll provide some context and cover what steps I have already taken here...

 Visual Studio throws a...




With a message of...


1.{"The application encountered an unhandled system exception.  Contact your system administrator for details."}


I've seen this message a few times before and previously used the Dynamics GP Exception Management Console to actually view the message. However, when I attempted to view the System Exceptions I received a 'Cannot Access the Exception Service' error from the console.

Following the 3rd solution on this guide, I was able to view the errors in SQL Management Studio. I removed the logs that contained 'invalid chars' using the below SQL query.


1.delete from DYNAMICS..WSExceptionLog
2.where ExceptionMessage like '%invalid character%'


Heading back into the Dynamics Exceptions Console I can now see an error.


Business object not found.
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Common.BusinessService.GetByKey(Key key, Context context, Type[] types)


The Request XML is (Vendor Id 00490 is the problem Vendor)...


<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <OrganizationKey xsi:type="CompanyKey">
    <CultureName />
      <Id xmlns="">e18b321a-9548-48fb-b75a-dee0a618ddaa</Id>

After a few more random attempts to retrieve the Vendor object via Web Services, I received the same error from the Exceptions Console and decided to look at the error in SQL Management Studio. Here, I found an Exception Message of...


'', hexadecimal value 0x06, is an invalid character.


Apparently this character is ACK, or acknowledgment. Never heard of this before.

I assumed that somewhere in the PM00200 table, there was an invalid 'ACK' character so wrote a quick C# script to check each column in the row for 0x06 characters. Nothing came up.

 I also checked the VendorMaintenance Card in GP and all options/address fields for weird characters and didn't find anything.


Now that you're up to speed...

I'm still assuming that there is an invalid character in some Vendor-related table that GP Web Services is tripping over, but other than that I don't have a clue.

It may have something to do with the fact that I can only see one 'Business Object Not Found' error in the Error Management Console while every subsequent error apparently contains 'invalid characters'.

Any suggestions?

Version: GP 2010
Section: .NET Development, Dynamics GP, eConnect, Web Services

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