svinson 10/13/2015 3:26:54 PM

Inserting Multiple Records from an XML Source

I need to create a new payables transaction based off of an XML created by another software. That XML file does not coincide with GP's schema. The only thing I can control about that file is whether there's one transaction per file or multiple. There are technically two files, the voucher header and the distribution line. All the necessary fields are in there but not named as GP would have it.

Question 1) How can I set the field values of the taPMTransactionInsert equal to the values of the source XML? I've looked into XML reader, but had difficulty assigning the value to variables from the source XML.

Question 2) Am I better off to request the files as individual transactions (1 XML per Voucher) or as a batch from the source software?

Question 3) Since the distributions are in a separate file, how do I keep them joined so that the header has the correct distributions attached to it? It appears both files share a common id number ,<ID>, but how can I be sure it pulls the correct file in the queue? ( I am assuming I would have a service set up to pull from a queue for processing, I haven't quite made it that far).

 I have manually inserted a transaction using static values and confirmed that it works including grabbing the next voucher. I have searched for two weeks for information relating to this but am not making any real progress. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am not very familiar with VB & .Net, I typically work with SQL, so please use simpler terms when possible.


Thank you.


Version: GP 2013
Section: Dynamics GP, eConnect

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