ahhdbateam 9/18/2014 10:06:22 AM

Using VSTools in custom app to reference a user table

I am using VSTools, GPCONNNET, and c# to build custom integrations, forms, etc into our install of GP 2010.

One of the items I would like to be able to do is reference custom developed tables/views and called custom stored procedures, preferably in a manner similar to using the tools such as:

RmCustomerMstrTable CustomerMasterTable;
CustomerMasterTable = Dynamics.Tables.RmCustomerMstr;

Instead of the above, I would have "UserTable" in its place.  

Is there a build in method to achieve this?

Or is there a recommended alternative approach?



Version: GP 2010
Section: .NET Development, Dynamics GP, Visual Studio Tools for Dynamics GP

Table Definition Quick Links
All Tables
SOP Tables
RM Tables
GL Tables
POP Tables
HR Tables
PM Tables
UPR Tables
IV Tables
Olympic Tables