SteveGray 6/3/2014 4:41:13 PM

Trouble with AA in an eConnect PMTransaction

I'm trying to submit the document below to Dynamics via eConnect, and I'm getting a cryptic 'An Item with the same key has already been added.'.

Can anyone offer any insight?

I have verified that Functional Currency has been setup, and I can key the transaction manually.

    <eConnectProcessInfo xsi:nil="true" />
    <taRequesterTrxDisabler_Items xsi:nil="true" />
    <taUpdateCreateVendorRcd xsi:nil="true" />
    <taCreateVendorAddress_Items xsi:nil="true" />
    <taPMTransactionTaxInsert_Items xsi:nil="true" />
      <TRXDSCRN>1748 -- 05/28/2013 - 06/10/201</TRXDSCRN>
    <taMdaUpdate_Items xsi:nil="true" />
Version: GP 2013
Section: eConnect

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