ahhdbateam 5/21/2014 10:37:00 AM

GP 2010 Integration and database connections

I am in process, just beginning, writing integrations into Great Plains 2010. One of the items I have come across for database connectivity is to use the GPConn.dll.

The integrations are custom windows that integrate directly into GP, such as a menu that is inserted under the "Transactions" menu. One of the design goals is to use the same security as the GP logged in user. I am using VSTools and .Net 2 (and some .Net 4).

I don't see the GPConn.dll in the SDKs that I have, and it appears as if this is a sperate download, and there is a need to get 2 keys, presumably from MS, to use this.

Could someone direct me to where this dll is, and maybe a good example for getting started.



Version: GP 2010
Section: .NET Development, Dynamics GP, eConnect, Visual Studio Tools for Dynamics GP

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