SteveGray 8/3/2011 1:50:11 PM

eConnectHelper Class for GP2010

This document, and all our eConnect documentation, is available on the eConnect menu.  

Are you using the DynDeveloper eConnect class? It’s in all of our sample code. The eConnect class is designed to be easily transportable from project to project and contains all the common code that developers need to code with eConnect. All that's left is the code that changes from integration to integration.

This class is called from all the eConnect samples. You'll need this class first in order to run them. This code is for GP2010/2013, and it encapsulates all the commons tasks in eConnect (getting a document number, creating a transaction)

Methods included:

Connection String - returns the connection string used by eConnect

Serialize - serializes (turns to XML) the supplied eConnect object

CreateEntity (overloaded) Accepts either the eConnect object or an XML document

CreateTransactionEntity (overloaded) Accepts either the eConnect object or an XML document

UpdateEntity (overloaded) Accepts either the eConnect object or an XML document


Edit 1/9/2018 added support for GetEntity


Version: GP 2010
Section: eConnect

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