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eConnect Errors Each eConnect node has specific errors that are associated with it
Param NameData TypeReqParamDescParam Mode
BACHNUMBchar(15)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
PMNTNMBRchar(20)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
VENDORIDchar(15)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
DOCNUMBRchar(20)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
DOCAMNTnumeric(19,5)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
DOCDATEdatetimeNo User Defined field - developer use only IN
PSTGDATEdatetimeNo User Defined field - developer use only IN
PYENTTYPsmallintNo User Defined field - developer use only IN
CARDNAMEchar(15)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
CURNCYIDchar(15)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
CHEKBKIDchar(15)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
TRXDSCRNchar(30)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
XCHGRATEnumeric(19,5)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
RATETPIDchar(15)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
EXPNDATEdatetimeNo User Defined field - developer use only IN
EXCHDATEdatetimeNo User Defined field - developer use only IN
EXGTBDSCchar(30)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
EXTBLSRCchar(50)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
RATEEXPRsmallintNo User Defined field - developer use only IN
DYSTINCRsmallintNo User Defined field - developer use only IN
RATEVARCnumeric(19,5)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
TRXDTDEFsmallintNo User Defined field - developer use only IN
RTCLCMTDsmallintNo User Defined field - developer use only IN
PRVDSLMTsmallintNo User Defined field - developer use only IN
DATELMTSsmallintNo User Defined field - developer use only IN
TIME1datetimeNo User Defined field - developer use only IN
MDFUSRIDchar(15)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
PTDUSRIDchar(15)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
BatchCHEKBKIDchar(15)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
CREATEDISTsmallintNo User Defined field - developer use only IN
RequesterTrxsmallintNo User Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND1char(50)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND2char(50)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND3char(50)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND4varchar(8000)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND5varchar(8000)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
ErrorStateintNo Error Code INOUT
oErrStringvarchar(255)No Comma separated list of errors encountered INOUT
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