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Errors for the taUpdateCreateAccountRcd Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taUpdateCreateAccountRcd
747Post in Purchasing (PostPurchIn) can only be a 1=Detail or 2=Summary  Edit
872Account Category (CATEGORY) can not be blank if you are adding a Posting Account (ACCTTYPE = 1)  Edit
873The Account Type (ACCTTYPE) is invalid - (1=Posting, 2=Unit, 3=Posting Allocation, 4=Unit Allocation)  Edit
874Decimal Places (DECPLACS) for a Unit Account (ACCTTYPE = 2) can only be 0,1, or 2  Edit
875An Allocation or Unit Allocation Account has been defined (ACCTTYPE = 3 or ACCTTYPE = 4) but the type (FXDORVAR) has not: 1=Fixed; 2=Variable  Edit
876Unable to Insert the Account Index Master record - GL00105  Edit
877The Account Number String (ACTNUMST) can not be empty Answers exist! Join NowEdit
878Unable to Insert the Account Master record - GL00100  Edit
879The Account Segment is too wide, check your Account Number or Segment Length in the SY00300 table  Edit
917Post in Payroll (PostPRIn) can only be a 1=Detail or 2=Summary  Edit
918Allow Account Entry value (ACCTENTR) is incorrect 0=False & 1=True  Edit
990The Number of Segments Passed is greater than what is defined in Account Format Setup Table - SY00300  Edit
991The Account Alias (ACTALIAS) passed in already exists on another Account Number in the Account Master Table - GL00100  Edit
992Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
1310At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
1311Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
1312Post in Sales (PostSlsIn) can only be a 1=Detail or 2=Summary  Edit
1314Unable to update the Account master record - GL00100  Edit
1315Post in Inventory (PostIvIn) can only be a 1=Detail or 2=Summary  Edit
1663The Posting Type parameter (PSTNGTYP) is invalid - 0 = Balance Sheet & 1 = Profit & Loss  Edit
1664The Active parameter (ACTIVE) is invalid - 0 = Inactive & 1 = Active  Edit
1665The Typical Balance parameter (TPCLBLNC) is invalid - 0 = Debit & 1 = Credit  Edit
2025eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
2026eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
3709The Update if Exists parameter (UpdateIfExists) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True are valid  Edit
3710The requester trx value (RequesterTrx) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True are valid  Edit
3762The Account can not be set up as an Allocation Account (FXDORVAR = 1 or FXDORVAR = 2) if it is an MDA account (the Account index already appears in the DTA00300 table)  Edit
5441The Account already exists and you are attempting to change its Account Type - this is not allowed you you must first delete the account and re-enter it as you can not update the Account Type  Edit
5883Invalid Account Number Segment (ACTNUMST) - the first segment character cannot be blank  Edit
6504Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
7804The Based On: element can not be set to 1 unless setting up a Variable Allocation Account  Edit
7907Unable to create Account note - SY03900  Edit
8085The Account Type is set to a Posting Account (ACCTTYPE = 1) and the Account Category (CATEGORY) passed does not exist in the GL Account Category Master table - GL00102 Answers exist! Join NowEdit
8088Duplicate Account and UpdateIfExists is set to 0  Edit
8090You can not pass a special character to the Account Number String (ACTNUMST) - all the characters must be alphanumeric  Edit
8128Account Segment is too small, you need to pass spaces to fill the account string, check the Account passed or Segment Length in the SY00300 table Answers exist! Join NowEdit
8275The Include in Lookup - Sales parameter is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True are valid  Edit
8276The Include in Lookup - Inventory Control parameter is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True are valid  Edit
8277The Include in Lookup - Purchasing parameter is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True are valid  Edit
8278The Include in Lookup - Payroll parameter is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True are valid  Edit
8290Unable to Update the DSCRIPTN and lActualSegLen in the #Segments table  Edit
8291Unable to Update the lCalcSegLen in the #Segments table  Edit
8292Unable to Update the lCalcSegLen in the #Segments table  Edit
9241Unable to update Account note - SY03900  Edit
9242Unable to delete account note - SY03900  Edit
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