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Errors for the taSopVoidDocument Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taSopVoidDocument
597Unable to update comments record, SOP10202  Edit
1588Invalid RemovePayments flag (0=Do not remove Payments/Deposits, 1=Remove Payments/Deposits)  Edit
1589Unable to remove Payment/Deposit  Edit
2300Unable to update serial number master  Edit
2301Unable to delete line(s) for serial numbers  Edit
2302Unable to update lot number master  Edit
2303Unable to delete line(s) for lot numbers  Edit
2938Unable to remove Dex Lock for the SOP Document  Edit
2939Sales Order document does not exist in the sales order work table (SOP10100)  Edit
3379Unable to update on order and deposits received amounts in the customer master summary  Edit
3380Unable to update unposted amounts in the customer master summary  Edit
3381Unable to update unposted amounts in the customer master summary  Edit
3382Unable to delete distribution records for void  Edit
3422SOP to POP Link exists for the document, the document can not be voided  Edit
3429SQL cursor error removing Payments/Deposits  Edit
3728Error deleting record from DTA10100  Edit
3729Error deleting record from DTA10200  Edit
3804Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
3805Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
5992Unable to update bin number master  Edit
5993Unable to delete line(s) for bin numbers  Edit
6517Unable to delete override serial number from IV00200  Edit
6518Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - site location  Edit
6519Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - all site location  Edit
6520Unable to delete override lot number from IV00300  Edit
6521Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - site location  Edit
6522Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - all site location  Edit
7000At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
7001Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
7002Document contains posted deposits, it cannot be voided unless the RemovePayments option is used  Edit
7003Input variable contains an invalid SOP type  Edit
7004Input variable contains a duplicate document Answers exist! Join NowEdit
7005Unable to update unposted amounts in the Sop Payment Work  Edit
7006Unable to update inventory quantity  Edit
7007Unable to update quantity allocated in item quantity master  Edit
7008Unable to update quantity allocated in item quantity master  Edit
7009Unable to update/create the batch number  Edit
7010Unable to get transaction source  Edit
7011Unable to update commission record, SOP10101  Edit
7012Unable to update holds record, SOP10104  Edit
7013Unable to update tax record, SOP10105  Edit
7014Unable to create sop history header record for void  Edit
7015Unable to create sop history line record for void  Edit
7016Unable to create sop batch history record for void  Edit
7021Unable to delete line record for void  Edit
7022Unable to delete line record for void  Edit
7134Document is currently being edited by another user Answers exist! Join NowEdit
8247Unable to remove AA records  Edit
9493Could not delete RM Keys record  Edit
20201Unable to update bin number master for lots or serials  Edit
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