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Errors for the taSopDeleteDocument Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taSopDeleteDocument
2940Document is currently being edited by another user. Answers exist! Join NowEdit
2941SQL cursor error removing Payments/Deposits  Edit
2942Unable to remove Payment/Deposit  Edit
2943Document contains posted deposits, it cannot be deleted unless the RemovePayments option is used  Edit
2944Unable to access the SOP Header record  Edit
2945Unable to update on order and deposits received in the customer master summary - RM00103  Edit
2946Unable to update unposted amounts in the customer master summary - RM00103  Edit
2947Unable to update unposted amounts in the customer master summary - RM00103  Edit
2948SQL cursor error updating inventory quantity  Edit
2949Unable to update quantity allocated in item quantity master - IV00102  Edit
2950Unable to update quantity allocated in item quantity master - IV00102  Edit
2951Unable to update serial number master - IV00200  Edit
2952Unable to delete line(s) for serial numbers  Edit
2953Unable to update lot number master - IV00300  Edit
2954Unable to delete line(s) for lot numbers  Edit
2955Unable to update/create the batch number  Edit
2956Unable to delete the commission record - SOP10101  Edit
2959Unable to delete tax record - SOP10105  Edit
2960Unable to delete comments record - SOP10202  Edit
2961Unable to delete distribution record(s)  Edit
2962Unable to update unposted amounts in the customer master summary  Edit
2963Unable to delete line record for delete  Edit
2964Unable to delete line record for delete  Edit
2965Unable to remove Dex Lock for the SOP Delete Document  Edit
3435Invalid RemovePayments flag (0=Do not remove Payments/Deposits, 1=Remove Payments/Deposits)  Edit
3436Input variable contains an invalid SOP type  Edit
3437Unable to delete user defined record(s) for delete  Edit
3438Unable to delete tracking record for delete  Edit
3439The Document ID is setup to not allow deletes - please check SOP Setup - SOP40200  Edit
3440SOP to POP Link exists for the document, the document can not be deleted  Edit
3458Unable to delete holds record - SOP10104  Edit
3730Error deleting record from DTA10100  Edit
3731Error deleting record from DTA10200  Edit
3802Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
3803Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
3987At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
3988Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
5030Unable to update bin number master for serial/lots  Edit
5653The Order ID is setup to not allow deletes - please check SOP Setup - SOP40200  Edit
5994Unable to update bin number master  Edit
5995Unable to delete line(s) for bin numbers  Edit
6505Unable to delete override serial number from IV00200  Edit
6506Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - site location  Edit
6507Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - all site location  Edit
6508Unable to delete override lot number from IV00300  Edit
6509Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - site location  Edit
6510Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - all site location  Edit
9345Unable to delete record from MC40500 table  Edit
9453Unable to update AA distributions  Edit
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