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Errors for the taRMCashReceiptInsert Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taRMCashReceiptInsert
1A null was found in at least one input parameter for cash receipts  Edit
2Customer number (CUSTNMBR) is empty  Edit
3Document number (DOCNUMBR) is empty  Edit
5Batch number (BACHNUMB) is empty  Edit
6Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) is empty  Edit
7Document number already exists in either RM00401, RM10101, RM10201, RM20101 or RM30101  Edit
12Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) does not exist in the Checkbook Master table - CM00100  Edit
13Unable to update batch information in SY00500  Edit
14Invalid cash receipt type (CSHRCTYP) - (0=Check,1=Cash,2=Credit Card)  Edit
16The Credit Card (CRCARDID) is missing  Edit
17The Credit Card ID (CRCARDID) does not exist in the Credit Card Master Table - SY03100  Edit
18SQL error occurred inserting into the RM Keys Master Table - RM00401  Edit
19SQL error occurred updating RM Customer Summary Table - RM00103  Edit
20Unable to update/create distributions Answers exist! Join NowEdit
21SQL error occurred inserting into the RM Cash Receipts Work Table - RM10201  Edit
22You can not pass a Check number (CHEKNMBR) on a receipt type of cash (CSHRCTYP = 1)  Edit
23Credit card# included on a non-credit card receipt  Edit
24Customer Number (CUSTNMBR) does not exist in the Customer Master Table - RM00101  Edit
25Batch is currently being posted  Edit
159Pre Custom Business Logic in the taRMCashReceiptInsertPre returned an error value  Edit
160Post Custom Business Logic in taRMCashReceiptInsertPost returned an error value  Edit
225The RATETPID entered does not exist in the MC40100 table  Edit
232Invalid Currency, a Functional currency must be set up Answers exist! Join NowEdit
362Batch Checkbook ID (BatchCHEKBKID) does not exist in CM00100  Edit
544An error was returned from the taMCCurrencyValidate proc  Edit
545SQL error occurred inserting into the Multicurrency Receivables Transactions Tables - MC020102  Edit
546MC Exchange rate cannot be 0 or less then 0  Edit
774An error occurred in the taMCCurrencyValidate proc  Edit
1296eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
1297eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
3722The requester trx - RequesterTrx - value is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid  Edit
5627The Batch Number (BACHNUMB) you are trying to insert into has been approved - you can not edit an approved batch  Edit
5629You can not pass a negative Exchange Rate (XCHGRATE)  Edit
5630You can not pass a negative Rate Variance (RATEVARC)  Edit
5654The Create Distributions - CREATEDIST - value is invalid - 0=False & 1=True are valid  Edit
8115SQL error occurred updating the RM Distribution Work Table - RM10101  Edit
8116SQL error occurred updating the RM Distribution Work Table - RM10101  Edit
9512Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) is set to inactive in the Checkbook Master table - CM00100  Edit
9513The Batch Checkbook ID (BatchCHEKBKID) is set to inactive in the Checkbook Master table - CM00100  Edit
11481Duplicate check number for this customer already exists in RM00401  Edit
12004Length of Document Number (DOCNUMBR) is greater than 17  Edit
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