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Errors for the taPopRcptHdrInsert Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taPopRcptHdrInsert
147Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
148Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
247Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
394Shipments Only cannot have line tax amounts  Edit
462Remit to Address ID does not exist  Edit
595Subtotal (SUBTOTAL) must be = 0 when using AUTOCOST option (AUTOCOST=1)  Edit
836Misc tax detail amount does not match the header misc tax  Edit
838Unable to create the new shipping method  Edit
839Invalid Purchase Misc Taxable (Purchase_Misc_Taxable) status (1=Taxable,2=Nontaxable,3=Base on Vendor Answers exist! Join NowEdit
840Invalid Purchase Freight Taxable (Purchase_Freight_Taxable) status (1=Taxable,2=Nontaxable,3=Base on Vendor Answers exist! Join NowEdit
841Tax Schedule (TAXSCHID) does not exist in the TX00101 Table  Edit
842No Tax schedule (TAXSCHID), but a tax value (TAXAMNT) was passed in  Edit
843Tax detail amount (TAXAMNT + FRTTXAMT + MSCTXAMT) does not match the header tax amount Answers exist! Join NowEdit
844Tax detail amount does not match the header tax amount  Edit
845Freight Tax Schedule (FRTSCHID) does not exist in the TX00101 Table  Edit
846No Freight Tax schedule (FRTSCHID), but a freight tax value (FRTTXAMT) was passed in  Edit
847Freight tax detail amount does not match the header freight tax  Edit
848Misc Tax Schedule (MSCSCHID) does not exist in the TX00101 Table  Edit
849No Miscellaneous Tax schedule (MSCSCHID), but a Misc tax value (MSCTXAMT) was passed in  Edit
970The Purchase Order and the Receipt are not assigned the same Currency ID  Edit
980Invalid Currency, a Functional currency must be set up Answers exist! Join NowEdit
981An error occurred in the taMCCurrencyValidate proc  Edit
982An error was returned from the taMCCurrencyValidate proc  Edit
983MC Exchange rate cannot be 0  Edit
984SQL error occurred updating POP10310  Edit
985SQL error occurred updating POP10360  Edit
986SQL error occurred updating POP10310  Edit
987SQL error occurred updating POP10360  Edit
995Shipments Only cannot have tax (TAXAMNT), misc (MISCAMNT), freight (FRTAMNT) or trade discount (TRDISAMT) amounts  Edit
996Vendor Document numbers (VNDDOCNM) for Shipment/Invoices (POPTYPE=3) must be unique  Edit
1287eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
1288eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
1794Unable to update the line record with a new note index - POP10310  Edit
1999SQL error occurred updating POP10500  Edit
2000At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
2001Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
2002Input variable contains an invalid POPTYPE (1=Shipment & 3=Shipment/Invoice  Edit
2003Input variable contains a duplicate document (POPRCTNM) Answers exist! Join NowEdit
2005Vendor Number (VENDORID) does not exist in the Vendor Master Table - PM00200  Edit
2006Subtotal does not match the line item totals Answers exist! Join NowEdit
2007SQL error occurred updating POP10500  Edit
2008Unable to update/create the batch number  Edit
2009Vendor name (VENDNAME) is empty  Edit
2010Unable to calculate the discount and due dates  Edit
2011Unable to update/create POP header - POP10300  Edit
2012Unable to update/create distributions Answers exist! Join NowEdit
2015Discount % (DSCPCTAM) cannot be > 100  Edit
2016Discount Available Amount (DISAVAMT) cannot exceed receipt total  Edit
2614SQL error occurred updating POP10360  Edit
2628SQL error occurred updating into POP10310  Edit
4023SQL error occurred updating POP10360  Edit
5300Trade Discount Amount (TRDISAMT) can not exceed Subtotal (SUBTOTAL)  Edit
5380Discount dollar amount (DSCDLRAM) and Discount percent (DSCPCTAM) cannot both be passed in with an amount > 0  Edit
5418Vendor Status is set to Inactive, you must edit the Vendor record before entering Receivings  Edit
6126Unable to create POP header note - SY03900  Edit
6170Input variable (CREATEDIST) out of range (0 or 1)  Edit
6233PopTax Cursor Error  Edit
6263SQL error occurred updating POP10310  Edit
6357Vendor Document numbers (VNDDOCNM) for Shipment/Invoices (POPTYPE=3) are required  Edit
6661SQL error occurred updating POP10500  Edit
6667SQL error occurred updating POP10310  Edit
7036Payment Term (PYMTRMID) does not exist in the Payment Term Master Table - SY03300  Edit
7051SQL error occurred updating POP10390  Edit
7052SQL error occurred updating POP10390  Edit
7053SQL error occurred updating POP10390  Edit
7194POP Line tax total does not equal the tax amount (TAXAMNT)  Edit
7323Input number of decimals exceeds setup for currency decimal places Answers exist! Join NowEdit
7906error updating POP10500  Edit
8054error updating POP10700  Edit
8179SQL error occurred inserting into PA10701  Edit
8180SQL error occurred inserting into PA01901  Edit
9377SQL error occurred updating POP10100  Edit
9378SQL error occurred updating POP10100  Edit
9578Unable to increment document number from PM Setup (PM40100)  Edit
9579Unable to increment document number from PM Setup (PM40100)  Edit
9580Unable to increment document number from Checkbook Setup (CM00100)  Edit
9581Unable to increment document number from PM Setup (PM40100)  Edit
9582The Cash Amount (CASHAMNT) can not be < 0  Edit
9583The Check Amount (CHEKAMNT) can not be < 0  Edit
9584The Credit Card Amount (CRCRDAMT) can not be < 0  Edit
9585The Discount Taken Amount (DISTKNAM) can not be < 0  Edit
9586The Cash Checkbook ID (CAMCBKID) does not exist in the Checkbook Master Table (CM00100)  Edit
9587The Check Amount Checkbook ID (CHAMCBID) does not exist in the Checkbook Master Table (CM00100)  Edit
9588The Credit Card (CARDNAME ) does not exist in the Credit Card Master Table (SY03100)  Edit
9589One or more of the required fields is blank on your Cash Payment Record (CASHAMNT)  Edit
9590One or more of the required fields is blank on your Check Payment Record (CHEKAMNT)  Edit
9591One or more of the required fields is blank on your Credit Card Payment Record (CRCRDAMT)  Edit
9592You can not save a transaction with a negative amount on account  Edit
11485Negative Taxes are not allowed  Edit
11500SQL error adding PMKeys record for cash payment  Edit
11501SQL error adding PMKeys record for check payment  Edit
11502SQL error adding PMKeys record for credit card payment  Edit
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