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Errors for the taIVMultibinBinToBinTransfer Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taIVMultibinBinToBinTransfer
4638Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
5020Multibin must be enabled to use this node.  Edit
5021At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
5022Item Number, Doc Number, Doc Date is required  Edit
5023Item Number (ITEMNMBR) does not exist in the Item Master Table - IV00101  Edit
5024Item Type does not exist  Edit
5025Cannot transfer this type of item only items with a type of 1=Sales Inv or 2=Discontinued can be transferred  Edit
5026Site ID/Location Code (LOCNCODE) is required  Edit
5027Site ID/Location Code (LOCNCODE) does not exist in the IV40700 Table  Edit
5028Site ID/Location Code (LOCNCODE) is not assigned to the Item (ITEMNMBR)  Edit
5029Quantity Type (QTYTYPE) is out of range  Edit
5031Unit of Measure does not exist (case sensitive)  Edit
5032Serial Numbered items must use the base unit of measure  Edit
5033Base Unit of Measure is not setup for the item  Edit
5034Bin (BIN) does not exist  Edit
5038Transfer To Bin (TOBIN) does not exist in IV40701 - set CreateBin = 1 if you want to create it.  Edit
5039Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
5040Unable to create To Bin (TOBIN) in IV40701  Edit
5041Unable to create To Bin (TOBIN) in IV00112  Edit
5042Transfer To Bin does not exist in IV00112 - set CreateBin = 1 if you want to create it.  Edit
5043Serial/Lot Number (SerLotNmbr) is required  Edit
5044Serial number does not exist in the Bin entered  Edit
5045Serial number is not available  Edit
5046Lot number / qty type / location combination does not exist in the Bin entered  Edit
5047Lot number is not available  Edit
5048The QTY (QUANTITY) entered has to be > 0  Edit
5049The QTY entered is > the Bin QTY Available  Edit
5050There is no quantity available  Edit
5051Serial numbered items must be transferred one at a time  Edit
5052Lot numbered items must be transferred one LOT at a time - QTY entered is > qty available for the lot in that bin  Edit
5053There is no quantity available  Edit
5054The QTY (QUANTITY) does not have the correct decimal places  Edit
5055Unable to update IV00112 for transfer from bin  Edit
5056Unable to update IV00112 for transfer to bin  Edit
5057Unable to update IV00112 for transfer to bin  Edit
5058Unable to update IV00300 record  Edit
5059Unable to find IV00300 record  Edit
5060Unable to insert into the Item Lot Number Master Table - IV00300  Edit
5061Unable to update IV00300 with transfer to bin  Edit
5062Unable to update IV00112 for transfer from bin  Edit
5064Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
5346Unit of Measure does not exist for the item  Edit
8673Lot number / qty type / location / expiration date combination does not exist in the Bin entered  Edit
11601Reset Qty value out of range (0 or 1)  Edit
11602Add more serials or lots to existing doc value out of range (0 or 1)  Edit
11603The From Bin (BIN) and To Bin (TOBIN) cannot be the same  Edit
11651Create Bin value out of range (0 or 1)  Edit
11700Transfer Doc Number already exists  Edit
11701Transfer Doc number does not exist to add serial or lots  Edit
11702Reason Code does not exist in the Reason Code Setup Table - IV40300  Edit
11703Reason Code is inactive in the Reason Code Setup Table - IV40300  Edit
11704Reason Code is not setup for this type of transaction - IV40300  Edit
11714Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
11715Cannot process serial\lots for non serial\lot tracked items.  Edit
11716Unable to transfer doc number  Edit
11823This site is currently marked inactive  Edit
11824This item site is currently marked inactive  Edit
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