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Errors for the taFSEquipmentDelete Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taFSEquipmentDelete
8865Pre Custom Business Logic in taFSEquipmentDeletePre returned an error value  Edit
8866At least one input variable contains a null value in taFSEquipmentDelete  Edit
8867Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
8868Equipment Number (SERLNMBR) and Item Number (ITEMNMBR) combination does not exist in the Equipment Master Table - SVC00300  Edit
8869Equipment Number (SERLNMBR) and Item Number (ITEMNMBR) is not assigned to this customer (CUSTNMBR)  Edit
8870Equipment Number (SERLNMBR) and Item Number (ITEMNMBR) is not assigned to this customer address (ADRSCODE)  Edit
8872Customer (CUSTNMBR) does not exist in the Customer Master Table - RM00101  Edit
8873Address Code (ADRSCODE) does not exist for this Customer (CUSTNMBR)  Edit
8874Item (ITEMNMBR) does not exist in the Item Master Table - IV00101  Edit
8875Error occurred while retrieving Item Extension information  Edit
8876Equipment (SERLNMBR) exists on a contract and cannot be deleted  Edit
8877Cannot modify customer information. Equipment is on a Configuration.  Edit
8878Unable to delete the equipment master record - SVC00300  Edit
8879Unable to create FS Equipment Master Entry Audit Record - SVC00310  Edit
8880Post Custom Business Logic in taFSEquipmentDeletePost returned an error value  Edit
8881Equipment (SERLNMBR) exists on a service call and cannot be deleted  Edit
8882Equipment (SERLNMBR) exists on a work order and cannot be deleted  Edit
8883Process to delete meter readings returned an error  Edit
8884Process to delete serial supersession master entries returned an error  Edit
8885Process to delete serial master ECO entries returned an error  Edit
8886Process to delete serial PM schedules returned an error  Edit
8887Unable to delete the notes for equipment record - SY03900  Edit
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