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Errors for the taCreateLockbox Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taCreateLockbox
2633Pre Custom Business Logic in taCreateLockboxPre returned an error value  Edit
2634A null was found in at least one input parameter for the taCreateLockBox Insert  Edit
2635The Lockbox ID (LockboxID) is empty  Edit
2636The Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) is empty  Edit
2637The Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) passed does not currently exist in the Checkbook Master table - CM00100  Edit
2638The Lockbox Description (LockboxDescription) is empty  Edit
2639The Location (STRGA255) of the Lockbox File is empty  Edit
2640The File Format Type (XPRTFTYP)is invalid - (1 = Fixed Length, 2 = Tab delimited, 3 = Comma Delimited)  Edit
2641The Lockbox Format Type (paLockboxFormatType) is invalid - (1 = Single-Line, 2 = Multiple-Line)  Edit
2643You can not pass a Header Row Indicator (paHeaderRowIndicator <> '') when you choose a Lockbox Format Type of Single Line (paLockboxFormatType = 1)  Edit
2644You can not pass a Detail Row Indicator (paDeailRowIndicator <> '') when you choose a Lockbox Format Type of Single Line (paLockboxFormatType = 1)  Edit
2645Invalid Decimal Places value (DECPLCUR) - 1 through 6 are valid values  Edit
2646Invalid Lockbox Apply Method (paApplyMethod) - 1=None, 2=Doc Number, 3=Invoice Number, 4=Due Date/Oldest Document, 5=DueDate/Oldest Invoice, 6=Doc Date, 7=Specific Invoices  Edit
2647Unable to insert the Lockbox ID in the palbmstr table  Edit
2648Duplicate Lockbox ID  Edit
2649Post Custom Business Logic in taCreateLockboxPost returned an error value  Edit
2677Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
9525The Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) passed is set to inactive in the Checkbook Master table - CM00100  Edit
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