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Errors for the taCreateEmployee Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taCreateEmployee
1500Gender (GENDER) is invalid - 1 = Male, 2 = Female, & 3 = N/A are valid  Edit
3666RequesterTrx is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
3812The Ethnic Origin (ETHNORGN) is invalid - 1 thru 7 are valid  Edit
3813Work Hours Per Year (WKHRPRYR) can not be < 0  Edit
3814The inactive flag is set to true (INACTIVE=1) so you must enter a valid Employee Inactive Date (DEMPINAC)  Edit
3815The inactive flag is true (INACTIVE=1) - you must enter a Reason (RSNEMPIN)  Edit
3816Minimum Net Pay (MINETPAY) can not be < 0  Edit
3817The SUTA State (SUTASTAT) passed does not exist in the Payroll State Code Setup table (UPR41100)  Edit
3818The Workers Compensation Code (WRKRCOMP) passed does not exist in the Payroll Workers Comp Setup Table (UPR40700)  Edit
3819Auto Accrue Vacation (ATACRVAC) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
3820Vacation Accrual Amount (VACCRAMT) can not be < 0  Edit
3821Vacation Accrual Method (VACCRMTH) is invalid  Edit
3822Vacation Accrual Per Year (VACAPRYR) can not be < 0  Edit
3823Vacation Available (VACAVLBL) can not be < 0  Edit
3824Warn if Vacation Falls below (WRNVCNFLSBLWZR) is invalid 0 and 1 are valid  Edit
3825Auto Accrue Sick Time (ATACRSTM) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
3826Sick Time Method (STMACMTH) is invalid - 0 = Hours Worked & 1 = Set Hours  Edit
3827Sick Time Accrual Amount (SKTMACAM) can not be < 0  Edit
3828Sick Time Available (SIKTIMAV) can not be < 0  Edit
3829Sick Time Hours Per Year (SKTMHPYR) can not be < 0  Edit
3830Warn if Sick Time Falls Below Zero (WRNSTFLSBLWZR) is invalid - 0 and 1 are valid  Edit
3831The Employment Type (EMPLOYMENTTYPE) is invalid - 1 thru 6 are valid values  Edit
3832Marital Status (MARITALSTATUS) is invalid - 1 thru 3 are valid  Edit
3833The Birth Month (BIRTHMONTH) is invalid  Edit
3834The Birth Day (BIRTHDAY) is invalid - you have passed a Birth Month (BIRTHMONTH) but not a Birth Day (BIRTHDAY)  Edit
3835The Birth Day (BIRTHDAY) is invalid - 0 thru 31 are valid Birth Days  Edit
3836A Birth Month of February (BIRTHMONTH = 2) was passed you can not pass a Birth Day (BIRTHDAY) > 29  Edit
3837The Birth Month (BIRTHMONTH) passed can not have a Birth Day (BIRTHDAY) of > 30 - April, June, September, & November  Edit
3838HR Status (HRSTATUS) is invalid - 1 thru 9 are valid values  Edit
3839Handicapped (HANDICAPPED) value passed is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
3840Veteran (VETERAN) value passed is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
3841Vietnam Veteran (VIETNAMVETERAN) value passed is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
3842Disabled Veteran (DISABLEDVETERAN) value passed is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
3843Union Employee (UNIONEMPLOYEE) value passed is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
3844Smoker (SMOKER_I) value passed is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
4359The Employee ID (EMPLOYID) is blank  Edit
4360The Employee Class (EMPLCLAS) passed does not exist in Class Setup - UPR41200 table  Edit
4361Invalid value for Inactive parameter (INACTIVE) - 0 = False & 1 = True are valid  Edit
4362The Last Name (LASTNAME) is blank  Edit
4363The First Name (FRSTNAME) is blank  Edit
4364The Social Security Number (SOCSCNUM) is blank  Edit
4365The Calculate Minimum Wage Balance (Calc_Min_Wage_Bal) is invalid  Edit
4366The Department (DEPRTMNT) passed does not exist in Department Setup - UPR40300 table  Edit
4367The Job Title/Position (JOBTITLE) passed does not exist in Position Setup - UPR40301 table  Edit
4368The Supervisor ID (SUPERVISORCODE_I) passed does not exist in Supervisor Setup - UPR41700 table  Edit
4369The Location ID (LOCATNID) passed does not exist in Location Setup - SY00600 table  Edit
4370Cash Account from (WCACFPAY) is invalid - 0=Checkbook & 1=Employee  Edit
4479Citizen (CITIZEN) value passed is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
4480Verified (VERIFIED) value passed is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
4481Other Veteran (OTHERVET) value passed is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
4482UpdateIfExists is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
4483DefaultFromClass (DefaultFromClass) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True  Edit
4484The Cash Account (AccountNumber) does not exist in GL00105 table - Account Index Master  Edit
4485Accrue Vacation (ATACRVAC = 0) you have to have Vacation Accrual Method (VACCRMTH = 0)  Edit
4486Accrue Vacation (ATACRVAC = 0) you have to have Vacation Accrual Amount (VACCRAMT = 0)  Edit
4487Accrue Vacation value (ATACRVAC = 0) you have to have Vacation Hours Per Year (VACAPRYR = 0)  Edit
4488Vacation Accrual Method (VACCRMTH = 0) you have to have Vacation Accrual Amt (VACCRAMT = 0)  Edit
4489Accrue Sick Time value (ATACRSTM = 0) you have to have Sick Time Accrual Method (STMACMTH = 0)  Edit
4490Accrue Sick Time value (ATACRSTM = 0) you have to have Sick Hours Per Year (SKTMHPYR = 0)  Edit
4491Accrue Sick Time value (ATACRSTM = 0) you have to have Sick Time Hours Per Year (SKTMHPYR = 0)  Edit
4492Sick Time Accrual Method value (STMACMTH = 0) you have to have Sick Time Accrual Amt (SKTMACAM = 0)  Edit
4493Accrue Vacation (ATACRVAC = 1) & Vacation Accrual Method (VACCRMTH = 0) - Vacation Accrual Amt (VACCRAMT) must be = 0  Edit
4494Accrue Sick Time (ATACRSTM = 1) & Sick Time Accrual Method (STMACMTH = 0) - Sick Time Accrual Amt (SKTMACAM) must be = 0  Edit
4495Accrue Vacation (ATACRVAC = 1) & Vacation Accrual Method (VACCRMTH = 1) - Vacation Hours Per Year (VACAPRYR) must be = 0  Edit
4496Accrue Sick Time (ATACRSTM = 1) & Sick Time Accrual Method (STMACMTH = 1) - Sick Time Hours Per Year (SKTMHPYR) must be = 0  Edit
4497Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
4498Unable to insert into the Employee Master Table - UPR00100  Edit
4499Unable to create the new Address Code in UPR00102  Edit
4500Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateEmployeePost returned an error value  Edit
4548The Primary Pay Record (Primary_Pay_Record) passed does not exist in Pay Code Setup table (UPR40600)  Edit
4549Unable to update the Employee Master Table - UPR00100  Edit
4550Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateCreateEmployeePre returned an error value  Edit
4551A null was found in at least one input parameter for taCreateEmployeeInsert  Edit
5650The Employee (EMPLOYID) - Has a record(s) in the Payroll Work Header table (UPR10202) or Payroll Transactions table (UPR10302) or Payroll Manual Check table (UPR10307) and can not be inactivated  Edit
5884The Division Code (DIVISIONCODE_I) passed does not exist in Divsion Code Setup - HR2DIV02 table  Edit
8293Work Hours Per Year (WKHRPRYR) can not be > 9999  Edit
8694UpdateIfExists is set to False and you are attempting to pass an Employee ID that already exists  Edit
8695DefaultFromClass (DefaultFromClass) is set to 1 = True but the Employee Class (EMPLCLAS) is blank please select a valid Employee Class  Edit
9529The inactive flag is set to false (INACTIVE=0) you can not enter a Employee Inactive Date (DEMPINAC)  Edit
9530The inactive flag is false (INACTIVE=0) you can not enter a Reason (RSNEMPIN)  Edit
9531You can not have a Date Inactivated (DEMPINAC) before the Employees Hire Date (STRTDATE)  Edit
9532You can not have a Date Inactivated (DEMPINAC) before the Employees Birth Date (BRTHDATE)  Edit
9533You can not have a Hire Date (STRTDATE) before the Employees Birth Date (BRTHDATE)  Edit
9534You can not have the Last Day Worked (LASTDAYWORKED_I) after the Employees Date Inactivated (DEMPINAC)  Edit
9535You can not have the Last Day Worked (LASTDAYWORKED_I) before the Employees Hire Date (STRTDATE)  Edit
9536You can not have the Last Day Worked (LASTDAYWORKED_I) before the Employees Birth Date (BRTHDATE)  Edit
11399The employee is pending approval and may not be updated.  Edit
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