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Errors for the taCreateBookClass Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taCreateBookClass
3175Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateBookClassPre returned an error value  Edit
3176At least one input variable contains a null value in taCreateBookClass stored procedure  Edit
3177Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
3178Book ID (BOOKID) is empty  Edit
3179The Book ID (BOOKID) passed does not currently exist in the Book ID table - FA40200  Edit
3180Asset Class ID (ASSETCLASSID) is empty  Edit
3181The Asset Class ID (ASSETCLASSID) passed does not currently exist in the Asset Class ID table - FA40201  Edit
3182Invalid Depreciation Method (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD) value - 1 through 16 are valid  Edit
3183Invalid Averaging Convention (AVERAGINGCONV) value - 1 through 13 are valid  Edit
3184Invalid Switchover (SWITCHOVER) value - 1 = No Switch & 2 = Straight-Line  Edit
3185Invalid Original Life Years (ORIGINALLIFEYEARS) value - 0 through 99 are valid  Edit
3186You have passed an invalid Original Life Days (ORIGINALLIFEDAYS) value - 0 through 999 are valid  Edit
3187You have passed an invalid Special Depreciation Allowance (SPECDEPRALLOW) value - 1 = No & 2 = Yes  Edit
3188Invalid Salvage Percentage (SALVAGEPCT) it must fall between 0 and 327.67  Edit
3189Invalid Salvage Estimate (SALVAGEEST) 0 = No & 1 = True  Edit
3190Invalid Luxury Auto (LUXAUTOIND) value - 1 = No & 2 = Yes  Edit
3191Invalid TEFRA Option (TEFRAFLAG) 1 = None, 2 = Full Credit Reduce Cost by 50%, 3 = Full Credit Reduce Cost by 100%, 4 = Reduce ITC% by 2 points  Edit
3192The Amortization Code (AMORTIZATIONCODE) must be 0 when the Depreciation Method is not Amortization (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD=9) or Declining Balance (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD=16)  Edit
3193The Amortization Amount/Percentage (AMORTIZATIONAMOUNT) must not be 0 when the Depreciation Method is Amortization (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD=9) or Declining Balance (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD=16)  Edit
3194The Initial Allowance Percentage (Initial_Allowance_Perc) must be 0 when the Depreciation Method is not Declining Balance (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD=16)  Edit
3195If the Depreciation Method is Declining Balance (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD=16) the Amortization Code must be Percentage (AMORTIZATIONCODE = 6)  Edit
3196If the Depreciation Method is Amortization (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD = 9) then you must pass an Amortization Code (AMORTIZATIONCODE) 1 through 7 - are valid values  Edit
3197If the Depreciation Method is Amortization (DEPRECIATIONMETHOD = 9) then you must pass an Amortization Amount/Percentage (AMORTIZATIONAMOUNT)  Edit
3198If the Amortization Code equals Percentage or Rate (AMORTIZATIONCODE = 6 or 7) the Amortization Amount/Percentage (AMORTIZATIONAMOUNT) must be > 0 and <= 100  Edit
3199You can not pass a negative Salvage Percentage (SALVAGEPCT)  Edit
3200You can not pass a negative Initial Allowance Percentage (Initial_Allowance_Perc)  Edit
3201You can not pass a negative Amortization Amount/Percentage (AMORTIZATIONAMOUNT)  Edit
3202You can not pass a Salvage Percentage (SALVAGEPCT) > 327.67  Edit
3203You can not pass an Initial Allowance Percentage (Initial_Allowance_Perc) > 327.67  Edit
3204You can not pass an Amortization Amount/Percentage (AMORTIZATIONAMOUNT) > 327.67  Edit
3205Special Depreciation Percentage (SPECDEPRALLOWPCT) can not be < 0 or > 100  Edit
3206Unable to insert into the FA40202 table  Edit
3207Duplicate Book ID Class ID in the FA40202 Table  Edit
3208Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateBookClassPost returned an error value  Edit
9157Unable to obtain the next Book Class Index  Edit
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