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Errors for the taAnalyticsDistribution Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taAnalyticsDistribution
8307Unable to generate aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table  Edit
8308Unable to delete aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table  Edit
8309Unable to generate aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table  Edit
8310Unable to delete aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table  Edit
8311Unable to insert aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table  Edit
8312Error deriving Parent Dimensions  Edit
8313Error deriving AA children  Edit
8314Error validating AA Subledger assignments  Edit
8315Cannot update AAG20003  Edit
8316Unable to create aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table  Edit
8317Unable to delete aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table  Edit
8318Unable to create aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table  Edit
8319Unable to delete aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table  Edit
8320Unable to insert aaGLWorkCodeTemp temp table  Edit
8321Unable to derive parent dimensions  Edit
8322Unable to derive child dimensions  Edit
8323Unable to validate code assignments  Edit
8324Unable to update AA transaction codes  Edit
9399error processing temp table generation  Edit
9400error processing temp table generation  Edit
9401error processing temp table generation  Edit
9402error processing temp table generation  Edit
9403Analytics distribution does not exist Answers exist! Join NowEdit
9404Pre Custom Business Logic for taAnalyticsDistributionPre returned an error value  Edit
9405A null was found in at least one input parameter for Analytics Distribution  Edit
9406Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
9407Input number of decimals exceeds setup for currency decimal places Answers exist! Join NowEdit
9408Assigned % exceeds 999.99  Edit
9409The RequesterTrx value passed in is invalid - 0=False; 1=True  Edit
9410An amount or assigned percent is required  Edit
9411error inserting AAG20002  Edit
9412error executing aagSubAssignUpdate  Edit
9413error updating AAG20002  Edit
9414Transaction Dimension assignment does not exist Answers exist! Join NowEdit
9415Transaction Dimension code does not exist for this dimension  Edit
9416Transaction Dimension numeric decimal value invalid  Edit
9417Error inserting aaTrxDimCodeNum, AAG00402  Edit
9418Error inserting aaTrxDimCodeBool, AAG00402  Edit
9419Error inserting aaTrxDimCodeBool, AAG00402  Edit
9420Error updating AAG20003  Edit
9421Unable to create AA note - SY03900  Edit
9422Unable to update AA note - SY03900  Edit
9423Unable to delete AA header note - SY03900  Edit
9424Post Custom Business Logic for taAnalyticsDistributionPost returned an error value  Edit
9425Error updating AAG20001  Edit
9426Error updating AAG20002  Edit
9429error inserting AAG10002  Edit
9430error executing aagGLAssignUpdate  Edit
9431error updating AAG10002  Edit
9432Error updating AAG10001  Edit
9433Transaction Dimension assignment does not exist Answers exist! Join NowEdit
9434Error updating AAG10003  Edit
9435Error updating AAG10001  Edit
9466Code is setup as Fixed, cannot be updated  Edit
9467Cannot assign a percent greater then 100  Edit
9468Analytics distribution does not exist Answers exist! Join NowEdit
9469Cannot find a distribution amount based on input values Answers exist! Join NowEdit
9475Cannot assign a percent greater then 100  Edit
9477Could not find aaTrxCodeID based on input values  Edit
9480You cannot supply a Transaction Code ID without a dimension value  Edit
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