Module List > Module IV tables IV10001
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COMPANY..IV10001 Table Definition

(COMPANY..Inventory Transaction Amounts Work)

This file is used to store the line items for transactions in the IV_TRX_WORK_HDR file. The line items are Inventory items which exist in the IV_Item_MSTR file. The line items for a transaction are linked back to the transaction header information in the IV_TRX_WORK_HDR file by the values in the IV Document Type and IV Document Number fields. If the line item is tracking serial numbers or lot numbers, then the item will have associated records in the IV_TRX_WORK_Serial_Lot file.

For decrease and transfer line item entries, the quantities for the items must be allocated when the item is added to a transaction. This is done by updating the appropriate field on the proper records for the item in the IV_Item_MSTR_QTYS file. The field which is updated on these records is dependent on whether the line item is on a decrease or transfer transaction; in the transfer transaction case, it is also dependent on the quantity type being used. When allocating the line item, Optimistic Concurrency Control record locking is used.

For the decrease transaction case, the following steps are done:

1) The item's site-specific record is accessed in the IV_Item_MSTR_QTYS file. This is done by reading this file by Key 1 with the Record Type set to 2 and field Location Code set to the site value on the line item entry.

2) The QTY Allocated field is set to QTY Allocated - This was changed to subtract, because the line items qty is a negative amount. Therefore to increase the allocated amount, the negative line item qty amount is subtracted from line item's extended quantity, where the extended quantity = (QTY In Base U Of M * TRX QTY) rounded by the Decimal Places QTYS on the item's master record.

3) This same field (QTY Allocated) is updated on the item's overall quantity record. This is done by reading the IV_Item_MSTR_QTYS file by Key 1 with Record Type set to 1 and Location Code empty.

For the transfer transaction case, similar steps are taken as above. The field being updated is determined by the quantity type which the item is being transferred from:

1) The item's site-specific record is accessed in the IV_Item_MSTR_QTYS file. This is done by reading this file by Key 1 with Record Type set to 2 and Location Code set to the site value on the line item entry.

2) Based on the quantity type being transferred from, indicated by the Transfer From QTY Type field of the line item record, the appropriate field is updated:

On Hand = QTY Allocated field is set to QTY Allocated + line item's extended quantity.
Returned = QTY Returned is set to QTY Returned - line item's extended quantity.
In Use = QTY In Use is set to QTY In Use - line item's extended quantity.
In Service = QTY In Service is set to QTY In Service - line item's extended quantity.
Damaged = QTY Damaged is set to QTY Damaged - line item's extended quantity.

3) This same field is updated on the item's overall quantity record. This is done by reading the IV_Item_MSTR_QTYS file by Key 1 with Record Type set to 1 and Location Code empty.

If the line item being allocated is tracking serial numbers or lot numbers, then the individual serial or lot numbers must be allocated also. This is described below for the IV_TRX_WORK_Serial_Lot file.

Field Definitions:

What is the 'source' column?

 Column NameData Type
Default Value
IVDOCNBR char(17)
IV Documen...(more) Join Now
IVDOCTYP smallint
IV Documen...(more) Join Now
ITEMNMBR char(31)
Item Numbe...(more) Join Now
join ... more text available
LNSEQNBR numeric(19,5)
Line SEQ N...(more) Join Now
UOFM char(9)
U Of M: T...(more) Join Now
See I... more text available
QTYBSUOM numeric(19,5)
QTY In Bas...(more) Join Now
TRXQTY numeric(19,5)
TRX QTY: T...(more) Join Now
UNITCOST numeric(19,5)
Unit Cost:...(more) Join Now
EXTDCOST numeric(19,5)
Extended C...(more) Join Now
TRXLOCTN char(11)
p>TRX Loca...(more) Join Now
TRNSTLOC char(11)
Transfer T...(more) Join Now
TRFQTYTY smallint
Transfer F...(more) Join Now
TRTQTYTY smallint
Transfer T...(more) Join Now
IV IV Inde...(more) Join Now
IV IV Offs...(more) Join Now
IVWLNMSG binary(4)
IV WORK LI...(more) Join Now
DECPLCUR smallint
Number of ...(more) Join Now
DECPLQTY smallint
Decimal Pl...(more) Join Now
USAGETYPE smallint
Usage Type...(more) Join Now
auto number (1,1)
Unique ide...(more) Join Now
Reason_Code char
affects gl...(more) Join Now
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