Module List > Module Extender tables EXT20402
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COMPANY..EXT20402 Table Definition


Field Definitions:

What is the 'source' column?

 Column NameData Type
Default Value
Extender_Event_ID int

The unique...(more) Join Now
Action_Number smallint

Condition_Number smallint

Field_ID int

The ID of ...(more) Join Now
Long_Field_Name char

ExtenderActionCondition smallint

STRGA255 char

The consta...(more) Join Now
STRGB255 char

The consta...(more) Join Now
From_Amount numeric

The consta...(more) Join Now
To_Amount numeric

From_Date datetime

TODATE datetime

The consta...(more) Join Now
From_Time datetime

To_Time datetime

auto number (1,1)
Unique ide...(more) Join Now
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