Points: 55409

9/20/2012 5:58:25 PM

eConnect - PM Transaction with Analytical Accounting

* This article, and all our great eConnect documentation, Is available on the eConnect menu

I've been coding eConnect for a while, and this one was hard. I wanted to be sure to save this for future use.

Because of its 'bolted on' nature, Analytical Accounting is often not straight forward.

This is a complete working example of a PM Transaction that uses AA.


Not every line in the distribution needs AA; the AA lines need their own counter for that reason.

The DocType here for the AA is 0, not 1. That's in the documentation

Some errors that I got along the way:

An item with the same key has already been added

There are no distribution accounts linked to an Accounting Class.

The example below fixes those issues
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