

This example shows a form that has a filtered grid with a "Selected" column, like this:

The code example below shows how to iterate through all of the filtered, selected rows. We first loop through the filtered rows, so if a non visible row is 'Selected' it will not be processed. Then we check to see if the filtered row is 'Selected', and process it. 


Hi there i'm trying to populate the sample balance sheet and wonder how I should get the value for "net income" field. I was told it should come from a number on the "income statement" report instead of doing calculation on the balance sheet but I don't know how to do this. Appreciate if any one can point me to a direction. Thank you!
How can I bring in certain account segments into my AP aging query? - using tables PM2000 and PM00200
I'm pulling data from a SQL table - is there a way in IM to capture the error or warning so i can update a SQL table with the message per relevant transaction?  


Is there a way to execute a VOID of an AP invoice via eConnect?


Okay - Good Morning.

I am trying to calculate Item Usage for specific date ranges and fumbling with using GET DATE function for 'in between' Dates...

Here's a straight forward script to calculate Item MO Usage for past 90 days - it works great.

 (SELECT        [Item Number], sum([TRX QTY] * - 1) AS MOUsageQty90 
FROM            InventoryTransactions
WHERE        ([Document Type] = 'Adjustment') AND ([Source Indicator] in ('Issue', 'Reverse Issue') AND ([Document Date] >= GETDATE() - 90)) 
GROUP BY [Item Number])

When I try to calculate usage between 90 and 180 days - I modified as such and I get nothing in return:

(SELECT        [Item Number], sum([TRX QTY] * - 1) AS MOUsageQty180 
FROM            InventoryTransactions
WHERE        ([Document Type] = 'Adjustment') AND ([Source Indicator] = 'Issue') AND ([Document Date] BETWEEN GETDATE() -90  AND GETDATE() - 180) OR
                         ([Document Type] = 'Adjustment') AND ([Source Indicator] = 'Reverse Issue') AND ([Document Date] BETWEEN GETDATE() - 90  AND GETDATE() - 180) 
GROUP BY [Item Number])

I think my issue might be related to [Document Date] being a date time field and Get Date is just a Date format? Or am I missing something obvious? 



We have an order that when the BOM comes together, it has 55 items.

Those 55 items are BOMs as well.

Is there a limit on how many BOMs can be nested into a top level BOM?


I'm trying to get IM to work for this destination.  It's an econnect integration and seems to be requiring things that regular data entry to the screen does not.  I'm trying to make an integration to receivables transactions for non-inventory items.

Using the GP screen we enter the header and then the detail goes like this: skip PO#, enter project, enter cost cat, enter description as item (non-inventory) then qty and unit price then next line.  Regular data entry works just fine.  But IM doesn't work.  Setting those destination mappings and running the process generates errors. 
From the errors it appears that this was written to only work with previously entered POs and stock items.

Any ideas how to make this work?


Here's the text of the IM error

Opening source query...
Establishing source record count...
Beginning integration...
DOC 1 ERROR: Sql procedure error codes returned:

Error Number = 2051  Stored Procedure= taPopRcptLineInsert  Error Description = Input variable contains an empty value
Node Identifier Parameters: taPopRcptLineInsert
Related Error Code Parameters for Node : taPopRcptLineInsert

  <Purchase_Item_Tax_Schedu />

Integration Failed
Integration Results
    1 documents were read from the source query.
    1 documents were attempted:
        0 integrated without warnings.
        0 integrated with warnings.
        1 failed to integrate.

Hi there, I came across an issue here:

When posting some transactions (payable transaction entry) I forgot to check "post to general ledger" box. So after the transactions have been posted, they don't show up in GL20000. Is there any way I can fix this (let the transaction show up in GL20000)? Thank you!

Okay -

The engineering group occasionally needs raw materials from the warehouse.

We want the ability to relieve inventory and charge the items to an engineering expense account. 

Currently company creates a zero dollar bogus sales order. Use the sales order to create a zero dollar invoice and then change GL accounts to assure engineering gets expensed.

Alternatively we use Inventory Adjustments - specific reason code (coded to GL)

My general question - would the purchasing requisition module be usable OR do you have to create a PO from a requisition? 

Obviously other folks have same business requirements and processes - how do other do it?

Thanks in advance....

Table Definition Quick Links
All Tables
SOP Tables
RM Tables
GL Tables
POP Tables
HR Tables
PM Tables
UPR Tables
IV Tables
Olympic Tables