

I ran across this gem today, though I'd blog it before I lost it. 

This script will create a table of all SQL Logins, and the DBs that the logins have access to. 


Many of us have been struggling with failing RDP connections since an O/S update went out from Microsoft on Tuesday (5/8/18)

The answer to the connection issue is to patch all the computers involved and it should be fine. But often server owners need to control how updates are applied for a variety of very good reasons... so we have a problem. 

I found a solution that worked for me and I'm posting it below so I don't lose it...

Please understand that this approach is not best practice and will allow the security vulnerability to continue. But I don't have a choice, I need to get to work.

Need help installing the SDK for Visual Studio Tools for Dynamics GP?

We've got a video for that...

A client called today with an issue using eConnect.  They didn't want the transactions to auto allocate.

Need to parse a JSON object that contains embedded classes and arrays for Dynamics GP.


Sample JSON:

  "totalItemCount": 7,
  "pageIndex": 0,
  "pageSize": 20,
  "pagedData": [
      "orderId": "6f98e70f-85ba-45ad-8474-e9b5cd409a39",
      "invoiceNumber": "2018050309232244AFM27JTLLAQ",
      "orderDate": "2018-05-03T04:23:22.0000000",
      "subTotal": "0.10",
      "taxTotal": "0",
      "shippingTotal": "0",
      "processingFeeTotal": "0.00",
      "orderTotal": "0",
      "orderDetail": [
          "orderDetailId": "1bd708ee-1abe-4b19-9541-ced7988ff177",
          "orderId": "6f98e70f-85ba-45ad-8474-e9b5cd409a39",
          "productId": "dd5d6ce1-3663-42aa-a650-36ba40699000",
          "quantity": 1,
          "productPrice": "0.10",
          "sku": "SKU_001002",
          "productName": "(test only) beautiful flowers"
      "accountingOrderTypeId": "c0aaefe9-4144-48ea-8a66-a539352d381e",
      "accountingOrderTypeName": "Mobile",
      "posCatalogName": "",
      "subTotalBeforeDiscounts": "0.10",
      "shippingTotalBeforeDiscounts": "0"
      "orderId": "3fa33505-fefd-4c1e-83bc-70d950c8272c",
      "invoiceNumber": "20180504074446767TYVXRC0CVSO",
      "orderDate": "2018-05-04T02:44:46.0000000",
      "subTotal": "0.10",
      "taxTotal": "0",
      "shippingTotal": "0",
      "processingFeeTotal": "0.00",
      "orderTotal": "0",
      "orderDetail": [
          "orderDetailId": "dc81986c-5d7c-4e31-96c6-b889ba58cca4",
          "orderId": "3fa33505-fefd-4c1e-83bc-70d950c8272c",
          "productId": "dd5d6ce1-3663-42aa-a650-36ba40699000",
          "quantity": 1,
          "productPrice": "0.10",
          "sku": "SKU_001002",
          "productName": "(test only) beautiful flowers"
      "accountingOrderTypeId": "c0aaefe9-4144-48ea-8a66-a539352d381e",
      "accountingOrderTypeName": "Mobile",
      "posCatalogName": "",
      "subTotalBeforeDiscounts": "0.10",
      "shippingTotalBeforeDiscounts": "0"
      "orderId": "4c27c368-4af8-4107-9c9a-fb6f3e0964b7",
      "invoiceNumber": "20180504080648354UM374RJFWJX",
      "orderDate": "2018-05-04T03:06:48.0000000",
      "subTotal": "0.10",
      "taxTotal": "0",
      "shippingTotal": "0",
      "processingFeeTotal": "0.00",
      "orderTotal": "0",
      "orderDetail": [
          "orderDetailId": "f06cac63-526b-41e3-b2a5-9a50d62b8f3c",
          "orderId": "4c27c368-4af8-4107-9c9a-fb6f3e0964b7",
          "productId": "dd5d6ce1-3663-42aa-a650-36ba40699000",
          "quantity": 1,
          "productPrice": "0.10",
          "sku": "SKU_001002",
          "productName": "(test only) beautiful flowers"
      "accountingOrderTypeId": "c0aaefe9-4144-48ea-8a66-a539352d381e",
      "accountingOrderTypeName": "Mobile",
      "posCatalogName": "",
      "subTotalBeforeDiscounts": "0.10",
      "shippingTotalBeforeDiscounts": "0"
      "orderId": "ea430036-08cf-4203-880b-264123ea323e",
      "invoiceNumber": "20180504113951344IK6VHPJX9IP",
      "orderDate": "2018-05-04T06:39:51.0000000",
      "subTotal": "0.10",
      "taxTotal": "0",
      "shippingTotal": "0",
      "processingFeeTotal": "0.00",
      "orderTotal": "0",
      "orderDetail": [
          "orderDetailId": "7a0c556d-5262-499f-aa19-4210714348f8",
          "orderId": "ea430036-08cf-4203-880b-264123ea323e",
          "productId": "dd5d6ce1-3663-42aa-a650-36ba40699000",
          "quantity": 1,
          "productPrice": "0.10",
          "sku": "SKU_001002",
          "productName": "(test only) beautiful flowers"
      "accountingOrderTypeId": "c0aaefe9-4144-48ea-8a66-a539352d381e",
      "accountingOrderTypeName": "Mobile",
      "posCatalogName": "",
      "subTotalBeforeDiscounts": "0.10",
      "shippingTotalBeforeDiscounts": "0"
      "orderId": "77c4822d-ff6a-4c49-bdcb-0f75aa29d258",
      "invoiceNumber": "20180504114302195NQ13D1BPDR7",
      "orderDate": "2018-05-04T06:43:02.0000000",
      "subTotal": "0.10",
      "taxTotal": "0",
      "shippingTotal": "0",
      "processingFeeTotal": "0.00",
      "orderTotal": "0",
      "orderDetail": [
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          "quantity": 1,
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          "sku": "SKU_001002",
          "productName": "(test only) beautiful flowers"
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      "accountingOrderTypeName": "Mobile",
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      "subTotalBeforeDiscounts": "0.10",
      "shippingTotalBeforeDiscounts": "0"
      "orderId": "f08dd1a1-69d1-4fe6-a19d-096e0cc462df",
      "invoiceNumber": "20180504125640107DUGQ60L72GC",
      "orderDate": "2018-05-04T07:56:40.0000000",
      "subTotal": "6.75",
      "taxTotal": "0",
      "shippingTotal": "0",
      "processingFeeTotal": "0.34",
      "orderTotal": "0",
      "orderDetail": [
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          "quantity": 1,
          "productPrice": "6.75",
          "sku": "LTDQA-004-GMBNDL",
          "productName": "10th anniversary celebration"
      "accountingOrderTypeId": "c0aaefe9-4144-48ea-8a66-a539352d381e",
      "accountingOrderTypeName": "Mobile",
      "posCatalogName": "",
      "subTotalBeforeDiscounts": "6.75",
      "shippingTotalBeforeDiscounts": "0"
      "orderId": "09e66c4e-61c5-48dc-964c-26f5a2f4b7bd",
      "invoiceNumber": "20180504083011249KAXGIETOQ0K",
      "orderDate": "2018-05-04T08:30:02.0000000",
      "subTotal": "59.95",
      "taxTotal": "0",
      "shippingTotal": "0",
      "processingFeeTotal": "0",
      "orderTotal": "0",
      "orderDetail": [
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          "quantity": 1,
          "productPrice": "59.95",
          "sku": "S16-1963-NMB",
          "productName": "New Member Basic"
      "accountingOrderTypeId": "ae8d6853-fb1f-42d9-9b96-f8bb744336fe",
      "accountingOrderTypeName": "Automatic Subscription Renewal",
      "posCatalogName": "",
      "subTotalBeforeDiscounts": "59.95",
      "shippingTotalBeforeDiscounts": "0"




Code for the Telerik RadDateTimePicker control

Today a client asked me to move data from SQL 2012 back to the SQL 2008 server that we had just migrated from, for reporting purposes.

The script below deletes all the DATA (data only, no other sql objects affected) from one server to another.


I have a user who wishes to correct the labor cost on an entry for April.

The manufacturing order is in a closed state. What is the proper method to make this correction?

Is there a way to re-open the MO and make the correction?

Thank you,


For reasons of general inventory I have been asked to disable the modules of: Enter and Reception of Purchase Ordes, Entry of sales orders and inventory transactions. It is the first time this decision is made in order to avoid transactions that affect the inventory during the defined period.
Is there a possibility to do this and how to do it?


Best regards

How to extract data for Open Item Receivable and Open Item Payable for a particular date say Dec 31.


I have an item in Item Stock Inquiry, on 4/13/2018, that there was two receipts for the item. There should have only been one.

The date is the same and the receipt document is the same.  This is throwing off the quantity on-hand.

What would cause this and how would one correct it?

Thank you,


Error: DOCID does not exist for document type

When using taPoHdr to change the PO status, the update behavior is different for certain statuses.  For example,using a fresh purchase order, status 1 (New), if I send a 6 (Canceled), the method updates both the header and lines statues to 6.  However, when I send 2 (Released) it only updates the header and not the lines.  Is this by design or am I missing something?

Please see code snippet below:

taPoHdr = new taPoHdr
VENDORID = Vendor,
POSTATUS = (short)POStatus,
POSTATUSSpecified = true,
UpdateIfExists = 1

I am deploying a chunk file to a dev GP2016 installation. The chunk extracts fine but I do not see the changes on the screen. This used to work fine so chunk creation macro is fine.

But suddenly the changes do not appear to show. Has anyone seen this issue and what is the solution. Someone suggested to do a fresh install of GP but that seems excessive to me. Please advise.

While attempting to run Currency Eval [Routines | Financial | Revaluation], I only see Liabilities under the drop down in one subsidiary company.No Assets

Do you know why and how to fix it?




I am trying to edit order through econenct. When I change the tax value or freight amount for first time it gets updated. But second time it throws error 

Setting the taxes through header. The salesHdr.USINGHEADERLEVELTAXES is set to 1;

Error Number = 8329  Stored Procedure= taSopHdrRecalc  Error Description = Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount - manual tax changes are not supported on Updates
Node Identifier Parameters: taSopHdrRecalc
SOPNUMBE = EDI0001300435

I have attached xml for refrence .





We are trying to match shipment lines in econnect with variances and when we use taPopEnterMatchInvToShpMultiLine_Items we get the 4881 error. But we are just trying to match to the shipment receipt line. Below is our XML. ANy help will be very appreciated! 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<eConnect xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <eConnectProcessInfo xsi:nil="true" />
    <taRequesterTrxDisabler_Items xsi:nil="true" />
    <taUpdateCreateItemRcd xsi:nil="true" />
    <taUpdateCreateVendorRcd xsi:nil="true" />
    <taCreateVendorAddress_Items xsi:nil="true" />
    <taPopRcptLineTaxInsert_Items xsi:nil="true" />
    <taAnalyticsDistribution_Items xsi:nil="true" />
    <taPopEnterMatchLotInsert_Items xsi:nil="true" />
    <taPopEnterMatchSerialInsert_Items xsi:nil="true" />
        <VNDITNUM>PP7143KNE1,  PP7032KN or 7033N </VNDITNUM>
    <taMdaUpdate_Items xsi:nil="true" />

Good evening,

  You can recommend to me a user friendly tool for customize Financial Report for GP 2015.


  Mr. García

Hoping you can help out with this. We are getting an error that is happening more and more, its locking up the receipt creation. I’ve researched the error and tried a couple of fixes that DYN has recommended but it’s still happening.


I can go into GP and increment it and that sometimes seems to work or go into the receiving transaction screen and try to get the next po number which will fail and say the same error as below but then it will work the next time after a long increment pause.


This is the error in the log and when its happening with econnect stored procedure of getting the next po number when trying to get it from .Net


Action: Service GetNextPOPReceiptNumber Current User Name: KRETEK2\eConnectService Input parameters: Exception type: System.ApplicationException Exception message: Source Procedure: taGetPurchReceiptNextNumber Error Number: 7903 Error Description: Unable to increment next document number from Purchasing Setup Table (POP40100) after 1000 attempts

The attached xml is an example found on this site, as would be the structure of this xml for a return, transaction type = 4, considering that the merchandise is returned to available.

<eConnect xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <eConnectProcessInfo xsi:nil="true"/>
    </taSopHdrIvcInsert>  </SOPTransactionType>

Error: The Employee ID (EMPLOYID) has access to the Deduction Code (UPRTRXCD) - but the Deduction Code is not marked as Trx Required


Error 3601 in taCreateComputerCheckLineInsert                   


I'm able to set sales order item fulfilled qty and lot/serials for lines but not for kit components.  
Seems like the only difference is the componentsequencnumber in the SalesComponentKey.  

salesdoc.Lines[j].Components[k].QuantityFulfilled.Value = salesdoc.Lines[j].Components[k].QuantityFulfilled.Value + CLine.DeltaQty;

Then for lots:

var lots = new List<SalesComponentLot>();
for (int i = 0; i < ShipItem.Distributions.Length; i++)
     SalesComponentLot lot = new SalesComponentLot();
     lot.LotNumber = ShipItem.Distributions[i].LotSerial;
     lot.Quantity = new Quantity { Value = ShipItem.Distributions[i].Quantity };
     lot.Bin = null;
     lot.Key = new SalesComponentLotKey();
     lot.Key.QuantityType = QuantityType.OnHand;
     lot.Key.SequenceNumber = (i + 1);
     lot.Key.SalesComponentKey = new SalesComponentKey();
     lot.Key.SalesComponentKey.ComponentSequenceNumber = salesdoc.Lines[j].Components[k].Key.ComponentSequenceNumber;
     lot.Key.SalesComponentKey.SalesLineKey = new SalesLineKey();
     lot.Key.SalesComponentKey.SalesLineKey.LineSequenceNumber = salesdoc.Lines[j].Components[k].Key.SalesLineKey.LineSequenceNumber;
     lot.Key.SalesComponentKey.SalesLineKey.SalesDocumentKey = new SalesDocumentKey();
     lot.Key.SalesComponentKey.SalesLineKey.SalesDocumentKey.Id = salesdoc.Lines[j].Components[k].Key.SalesLineKey.SalesDocumentKey.Id;               
salesdoc.Lines[j].Components[k].Lots = lots.ToArray();

Full error from event viewer is


Action: Create Current User Name: V-TECH\Judy Input parameters: Exception type: Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectException Exception message: Sql procedure error codes returned: Error Number = 115 Stored Procedure= taSopLineIvcInsert Error Description = Unable to insert the component record Node Identifier Parameters: taSopLineIvcInsert SOPNUMBE = TST0034 SOPTYPE = 2 LNITMSEQ = 16384 Error Number = 3462 Stored Procedure= taSopLineIvcInsertComponent Error Description = if AUTOALLOCATELOT = 1 or 2, the taSopLotAuto node must be called with a DOCID that fulfills or QTYFULFI > 0 Node Identifier Parameters: taSopLineIvcInsertComponent SOPNUMBE = TST0034 SOPTYPE = 2 ITEMNMBR = TEST03 LNITMSEQ = 16384 Related Error Code Parameters for Node : taSopLineIvcInsertComponent AUTOALLOCATELOT = 1 QTYFULFI = 1.00000

    <ShipToName>Aaron Fitz Electrical BBB</ShipToName>
    <ADDRESS1>4 Fernwood Drive</ADDRESS1>
    <ADDRESS2>Suite 1234566</ADDRESS2>
    <ADDRESS3>Building 2</ADDRESS3>


 Stack Trace: at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.EntityMessageProcessor.ExecuteSqlCommands(XElement transactionNode, EntityMessage message) at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectMethods.ProcessMessageImport(EntityMessage message) at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectMethods.EntityImportImplementation(String connectionString, String sXML, Boolean isTransaction) at Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectMethods.CreateEntity(String connectionString, String sXML) Exception type: Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.eConnectException Exception message: Error Number = 115 Stored Procedure taSopLineIvcInsert Error Description = Unable to insert the component record Error Number = 3462 Stored Procedure taSopLineIvcInsertComponent Error Description = if AUTOALLOCATELOT = 1 or 2, the taSopLotAuto node must be called with a DOCID that fulfills or QTYFULFI > 0 Stack Trace: 

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