

being a new user to SmartConnect, there're still many things unsure on the product, so hope the experts can offer some help here..


while setting up tasks to perform after successful integration, one of the option is to send email, but i just couldn't get it work, even using the given template. any possibility of me having some guide or example here ?


thanks a million..

Edit 9/17/15 View the main article for this error here 

Hello all,

We are trying to update a PO we have created in our system with eConnect.

We can get it to add a new line to the PO but we want to update an existing line. When we pass in the ORD value and the PONUMBER value, it returns an error that says:

"Error Description = LNITMSEQ already exists on a different Item Number"

What do we have to do to update the PO line? We are trying to change the ITEMNMBR value.

Below is the XML we are sending to eConnect.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<eConnect xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<POPTransactionType><eConnectProcessInfo xsi:nil="true" />
<taRequesterTrxDisabler_Items xsi:nil="true" />
<taUpdateCreateItemRcd xsi:nil="true" />
<taUpdateCreateVendorRcd xsi:nil="true" />
<taCreateVendorAddress_Items xsi:nil="true" />
<taUpdateCreateCustomerRcd xsi:nil="true" />
<taCreateCustomerAddress_Items xsi:nil="true" />
<taPopIvcTaxInsert_Items xsi:nil="true" /><
taPopDistribution_Items xsi:nil="true" />
<taAnalyticsDistribution_Items xsi:nil="true" />
  <VENDNAME>Fabrication Company</VENDNAME>

 Any help or direction with this would be greatly appreciate. 

Thank you in advance!


This post is not a 'getting started', that post is here. This post is the next step, a complete code example after setup. The code uses the 'eConnectLib' library that we're developed as an eConnect wrapper. The eConnectLib dll has one class, 'eConnectFunctions'. We keep that as a dll and drop it into all eConnect projects.

eConnect 2010 has new endpoints for the Service, now there is 'CreateEntity' and 'CreateEntityTransaction', among others.

 The these end points are mirrored in the class, and they're overloaded to take either an XML document, or an eConnectType object.

The sample code is first, followed by the complete eConnectLib.eConnectFunctions wrapper class

GP is converting the amount field to 0 for all transactions marked as Distribution Type Cash in an Accounts Payable Transaction export. Hence when you open the transaction distribution in GP, it gives a error messages as below
  1. The cash distribution(s) does not equal the actual amount
  2. The Debit distributions do not equal the credit distributions.

 For your reference,attaching the XML file sent to GP.

 <DistRef>2T1LR32E64C829308-Excise Tax-21</DistRef>
 <DistRef>2T1LR32E64C829308-Excise Tax-21</DistRef>
 <DistRef>2T1LR32E64C829308-Excise Tax-21</DistRef>


The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.

The open operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of 00:01:00. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.

The read from the pipe did not complete within the allotted timeout of 00:01:00. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.


I've a Form created through extender. I want to customize it and add some VS Tools code on its buttons. How can i reference it in VST Proejct?


I am upgrading a client from GP 9 to GP 2010.  One of their AddIns customizations involves capturing the click of the Post button on the Sales Batch Entry window.  This works well in GP9, but I am not able to capture the click on the Post button in GP 2010.

I have confirrmed I have referenced the correct window, and I can capture the click event on other buttons on the form, but the post button will not fire my ClickAfterOriginal event (or ClickBeforeOriginal either).  I can reference the post button in the code from another event.  To test this I created a custom Post button with modifier, and DAG'd the modified dictionary.  After adding the modified dictionary reference to my project, I can reference the custom post button.  I can capture the click event on the custom post button with no problems.  I can even 'click' the original post button through code after the user clicks the custom button.

I still cannot, however, capture the click event on the original post button.  I need to use both the before click and after click events as timing if imporant to this customization.

Has anyone else noticed difficulties accessing the click events on the Post button on the Sales Batch Entry form in GP 2010?


I am new to vs tools for gp. I have done a significant amount of vba customziations before... anyhow, I have a custom gp form that has a combo box on it. I need to populate this combo box by selecting two fields from a table. I thought there might be some easier way to do this with the new vs tools for gp2010 but as of yet I haven't been able to find it.  Do I just need to get a sql connection, execute my command and loop through the dataset? or is there an easier way to do this?

i've a deployment where same code file works perfectly on server directly. but when i put the same addIns on client machine, it crashes on this  line:

 GetNextDocumentNumbers  GNDN =  new GetNextDocumentNumbers();

 same line works perfectly on server machine and after this step i generate different IDs for Receipts etc. But on Client machines: its not working at all and crashes on line of the code works fine even on client machines...........any clues??????????????


 Hello All,

We have a unique situation where our client is actually purchasing their own inventory and needs to have purchase orders generated by eConnect (for accounting purposes) for these items. We have this part figured out and have purchase order and purchase order receipts being created for these items. However, when we try to post the batch(s) for these items, dynamics tells us that "no batch exists" even though the batch number we supplied to eConnect exist on the purchase order receipt header record in the database.

With that being said, my question is this: Does / Will eConnect post batches for non inventory items??? Is this the correct behavior for non inventory items??

 Thanks in advance.



I need to add 'Item Note' column with the PO Order Line items in the Report 'POP Purchase Order Blank Form'. The text of Item Note is stored in the 'Records Note Master' table 'SY03900' and Note Index Id is stored in column 'POLNEARY_1' in POP10110 table.

Please help or suggest how it can be done.

Thanks  in Advance,

Somesh Sahu

I have added a button to a form via modifier that I need to reference. I am attempting to use the DAG.exe utility to create the assembly that I need, but I am running into issues. It is telling me that the dynamics.set file is an invalid launch file.  Couple of details.  I am running the vs2010 sdk from my laptop and I am using windows virtual machine to run the environment that GP2010 is installed in.  I have tried to copy the DAG.exe utilty up to the vm with no success and tried to copy the dynamics.set and dynamics.dic files to my laptop.  This is my fist time trying to use the DAG.exe utility so I am sure it is just something stupid I am doing.  Here is the command I am running from my laptop. I have copied the .set and .dic files from the vm into a gp2010 directory on my laptop...

dag.exe 0 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2010\Dynamics.set" /M

Here is the error.

Invalid Launch File C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2010\Dynamics.set

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