

So I have been given a project that need to work with GP.   I need to be able to submit Payables Transaction Entries from a web page.  I am making some basic assumptions and trying to find the correct schema and process to provide this functionality.  I hope someone here can validate my assumptions or point me in the right direction

Assumption 1 -  I need a valid VendorID In order to submit a Transaction Entry.

This means that I need to retrieve a list of valid VendorIDs from GP, and allow the user to select a Vendor.  I then would need to retrieve the default information about that Vendor (Address, Currency, etc) to populate my Transaction Entry with valid values. 

How do I use eConnect to provide a list of Vendors and Vendor information. 

Terahex  AKA  The eConnect challenged slacker...

How would I go about getting the customer account balance and related figures from econnect?  I've hunted the web and haven't been able to find anything and I haven't had much luck in the documentation either.



Here are field definitions for the RM00103 table



Physical Name Type Storage
GPS_Reserved GPS_RESERVED Long Integer 4
Total Amount Of NSF Checks Life TNSFCLIF Currency 10
Number Of NSF Checks Life NONSFLIF Long Integer 4
Customer Number CUSTNMBR String 16
Customer Balance CUSTBLNC Currency 10
Aging Period Amounts AGPERAMT Currency 70
Last Aged LASTAGED Date 4
First Invoice Date FRSTINDT Date 4
Last NSF Check Date LSTNSFCD Date 4
Last Payment Amount LPYMTAMT Currency 10
Last Payment Date LASTPYDT Date 4
Last Transaction Date LSTTRXDT Date 4
Last Transaction Amount LSTTRXAM Currency 10
Last Finance Charge Amount LSTFCHAM Currency 10
Unpaid Finance Charges YTD UPFCHYTD Currency 10
Average Days to Pay - LYR AVDTPLYR Integer 2
Average Days To Pay - Life AVDTPLIF Integer 2
Average Days To Pay - Year AVGDTPYR Integer 2
Number ADTP Documents - Life NUMADTPL Long Integer 4
Number ADTP Documents - Year NUMADTPY Long Integer 4
Number ADTP Documents - LYR NUMADTPR Long Integer 4
Total Discounts Taken YTD TDTKNYTD Currency 10
Total Discounts Taken LYR TDTKNLYR Currency 10
Total Discounts Taken LTD TDTKNLTD Currency 10
Total Discounts Available YTD TDISAYTD Currency 10
Retainage RETAINAG Currency 10
Total Amount Of NSF Checks YTD TNSFCYTD Currency 10
Number Of NSF Checks YTD NONSFYTD Long Integer 4
Unposted Sales Amount UNPSTDSA Currency 10
Unposted Cash Amount UNPSTDCA Currency 10
Unposted Other Sales Amount UNPSTOSA Currency 10
Unposted Other Cash Amount UNPSTOCA Currency 10
Non Current Scheduled Payments NCSCHPMT Currency 10
Total Sales YTD TTLSLYTD Currency 10
Total Sales LTD TTLSLLTD Currency 10
Total Sales LYR TTLSLLYR Currency 10
Total Costs YTD TCOSTYTD Currency 10
Total Costs LTD TCOSTLTD Currency 10
Total Costs LYR TCOSTLYR Currency 10
Total Cash Received YTD TCSHRYTD Currency 10
Total Cash Received LTD TCSHRLTD Currency 10
Total Cash Received LYR TCSHRLYR Currency 10
Total Finance Charges YTD TFNCHYTD Currency 10
Total Finance Charges LTD TFNCHLTD Currency 10
Total Finance Charges LYR TFNCHLYR Currency 10
Finance Charges CYTD FNCHCYTD Currency 10
Finance Charges LYR Calendar FNCHLYRC Currency 10
Total Bad Debt YTD TBDDTYTD Currency 10
Total Bad Deb LYR TBDDTLYR Currency 10
Total Bad Debt LTD TBDDTLTD Currency 10
Total Waived FC YTD TWVFCYTD Currency 10
Total Waived FC LTD TWVFCLTD Currency 10
Total Waived FC LYR TWVFCLYR Currency 10
Total Writeoffs YTD TWROFYTD Currency 10
Total Writeoffs LTD TWROFLTD Currency 10
Total Writeoffs LYR TWROFLYR Currency 10
Total # Invoices YTD TTLINYTD Long Integer 4
Total # Invoices LTD TTLINLTD Long Integer 4
Total # Invoices LYR TTLINLYR Long Integer 4
Total # FC YTD TTLFCYTD Long Integer 4
Total # FC LTD TTLFCLTD Long Integer 4
Total # FC LYR TTLFCLYR Long Integer 4
Write Offs LIFE WROFSLIF Currency 10
Write Offs LYR WROFSLYR Currency 10
Write Offs YTD WROFSYTD Currency 10
High Balance LYR HIBALLYR Currency 10
High Balance YTD HIBALYTD Currency 10
High Balance LTD HIBALLTD Currency 10
Last Statement Date LASTSTDT Date 4
Last Statement Amount LSTSTAMT Currency 10
Deposits Received DEPRECV Currency 10
On Order Amount ONORDAMT Currency 10
Total Returns YTD TTLRTYTD Currency 10
Total Returns LTD TTLRTLTD Currency 10
Total Returns LYR TTLRTLYR Currency 10

As a web host, I am frequently asked what a '404' error is. Customers see this in their web statistics, sometimes the web site is configured to send daily reports and 404 errors show up there.

Simply put, a 404 error is a 'page not found' error. Actually, it probably says that right in the error report.

What they're really asking is 'why am I getting it?'. There are several reasons; usually they are not reason for alarm. A 404 is caused by somebody (or some robot) requesting a page from the site that doesn't exist.

  • If there is an error in the menu structure or a bad link on the site this may happen. Say you have a link on the home page to 'Contact Us', but the developer fat-fingers the link and it goes to 'kontackus.htm'. Clicking that link will generate a 404, because 'kontactus.htm' probably doesn't exist.
  • If a search engine sends a robot to your site to index it, they frequently request 'robots.txt'. This is a non-required page that tells them what pages you don't want indexed. The default is to index all pages. Since it causes an annoying 404 in the reports, we usually will just drop a blank file into the site.
  • Sometimes we'll see repeated calls to non-existent pages (pages that used to be in the site but are not currently) all in the span of a second or two. That's an indicator that a search engine is making a scan of the pages that it thinks you have. Strangely, they'll keep on doing that for some time. I don't know why.
  • If someone manually types in an address and misspells it... '' (missing the 'e' in 'home')
  • If the site changes over time, and a link to a non-existent page exists on another web site, or in the search engine. We see this a lot when we get requests to upgrade the functionality in a web site, because it means changing the page names from '.htm' to '.aspx' so that we can get 'server side' functionality' like database calls or sending email. The answer here is frequently to put the old 'home.htm' back into the site, but have it immediately redirect to the new 'home.aspx'

Repeated calls to nonexistent pages, especially if they end in '.dll', '.exe', or '.cmd' should be cause for worry. Immediately call about that. That might be a hack attempt.

Other than that, 404 errors are just an alert, and can usually be ignored. Repeated calls for the same page can usually be fixed by placing that page on the site and redirecting.


Hey !

 I know that this is the eConnect forum but I thought you'd be interested in this particular challenge.

 My client had a need for an inventory importing tool (using SerialNums).  I used a combination of SSIS, .Net (wrapper) and eConnect.  It works great.  Well, now they want me to extend the tool to include assembly transactions.  Well, after I told them "sure", I found out that eConnect doesn't do Assembly Transactions!  So, I'm trying to build a SQL script to automate it myself.

After using SQL Trace to see what happens during an assembly transaction insert, I've extracted over 700 lines of t-SQL.  (Dexterity does some pretty weird stuff...)  Have you had any experience with automating assembly transactions?  I'm hoping to boil the trx down to a handful of table inserts and/or updates.

 Let me know.  Thanks!

Joe Cogan

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