

Adding a User to GP Security
I created a web application that used Web Services to return a list of purchase orders. The app ran fine locally but once I published it (to our internal server) I received an error. Here is a screenshot of App with error and Dynamics Web Service Exception Console (Fred is the server that the app is published to).

This is the result of the app using the Default App Pool with the identity of Application Pool Identity which GP knows nothing about. The solution is to create a new user in Active Directory, create a new app pool in IIS using the new user, add your app to the new pool and finally add the new user to GP security.

This piece of code demonstrates using the linked tables to retrieve information stored in the form.
This query is a starting place for a report that would replace the standard Dynamics User Security report

This is a stored procedure that returns EmployID and the Full Name (both last name and first name first), and is sorted by a parameter.

Using a variable to sort a SQL statement is an unusual technique, the statement is work studying just for that.

This is a stored procedure that we just completed for a client, it inserts a default set of Analytical Accounting codes into a SOP invoice so that the they only have to change the items that are not default.

There is an amout of business logic here, so the script 'as is' will not work for any other client... but it's a good start if you're trying to understand Analytical Accounting.


I'm not a long winded blogger, I have work to do. <smiles>

Below are examples of how to use the SQL FORMAT function to format dates. The article for formatting numeric values is here. FORMATMESSAGE can be used, too

I have this query:

select *
from @eMonth1
PIVOT (Sum([Month1 Emp Count]) FOR ChekDate IN ([07/01/16], [07/08/16], [07/15/16], [07/22/16], [07/29/16])) AS Month1Pivot

@eMonth1 Table Structure is:

declare @eMonth1 table (RowID int identity, Company varchar(10), Division varchar(3), ChekDate varchar(12), [Month1 Emp Count] int, GrossWages money)

Producing this (partial) result:

RowID Company Division GrossWages 7/1/2016 7/8/2016 7/15/2016 7/22/2016 7/29/2016
1 SIZE 120 3858.75 14 NULL NULL NULL NULL
2 SIZE 120 4769.56 NULL 14 NULL NULL NULL
3 SIZE 120 6483.96 NULL NULL 16 NULL NULL
5 SIZE 120 5139.88 NULL NULL NULL NULL 16
6 SIZE 150 64042.61 183 NULL NULL NULL NULL
7 SIZE 150 66992.7 NULL 185 NULL NULL NULL
8 SIZE 150 66435.72 NULL NULL 185 NULL NULL
9 SIZE 150 62072.04 NULL NULL NULL 178 NULL
10 SIZE 150 55925.73 NULL NULL NULL NULL 162
11 SIZE 150 7552.88 18 NULL NULL NULL NULL
12 SIZE 150 7637.16 NULL 18 NULL NULL NULL
13 SIZE 150 6992.15 NULL NULL 19 NULL NULL
14 SIZE 150 9934.28 NULL NULL NULL 22 NULL
15 SIZE 150 9578.31 NULL NULL NULL NULL 24
16 SIZE 150 21507.97 118 NULL NULL NULL NULL
17 SIZE 150 21447.67 NULL 115 NULL NULL NULL
18 SIZE 150 20429.94 NULL NULL 116 NULL NULL
19 SIZE 150 21539.67 NULL NULL NULL 118 NULL
20 SIZE 150 22262.33 NULL NULL NULL NULL 120


But I'm not sure how to eliminate the NULL cells.  I'm also going to try and make the ChekDate columns dynamic, but first things first.

Any insights will be appreciated -- it's something I've never tried outside of MS Access.


Seems like i can do it by manually applying those records in GP. I hope there's a reason behind that e-connect won't allow me to.

Any help would be appreciated.

Error Number = 5472  Stored Procedure= taRMApply  Error Description = Could not create GL transaction header
Node Identifier Parameters: taRMApply
APTODCNM = 9030785

Error Number = 7117  Stored Procedure= taGLTransactionHeaderInsert  Error Description = The Trx Date (TRXDATE) entered falls in a closed fiscal period
Node Identifier Parameters: taGLTransactionHeaderInsert
Related Error Code Parameters for Node : taGLTransactionHeaderInsert
TRXDATE = Note: This parameter was not passed in, no value for the parameter will be returned.

Error Number = 7118  Stored Procedure= taGLTransactionHeaderInsert  Error Description = The Trx Date (TRXDATE) entered falls in a closed fiscal period
Node Identifier Parameters: taGLTransactionHeaderInsert
Related Error Code Parameters for Node : taGLTransactionHeaderInsert
TRXDATE = Note: This parameter was not passed in, no value for the parameter will be returned.

  <APPLYDATE>2016-12-07 00:00:00.000</APPLYDATE>

This is a real longshot but are there any users out there that have written any interfaces between Atlassain Jira?

If so how have you got the billable time into GP?

Many thanks

We came across the below procedure that runs daily and we're not exactly sure what it does.  Some of our workflow escalations don't work as expected (they get rejected instead of going to the next approver), and thought maybe this has something to do with it.  Will someone please help me interpret this procedure?  Thanks! Lisa


create procedure [dbo].[wfScanForOverdueTasksCompany] 
@O_iErrorState int = NULL output
declare @count as integer
declare @exestring as varchar(400)
declare @curcompany as varchar(10)
--if the temp table exists, delete it
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =   Object_id('dbo.#wfEscalateTemp') and type in ('U','S')) begin 
    drop table dbo.#wfEscalateTemp
--create a temp table that contains all the GP company databases
select INTERID into #wfEscalateTemp from SY01500 
--find out how many there are
select @count = count(*) from #wfEscalateTemp 
--loop through the company databases
while @count > 0  begin 
    --get the first one
    select @curcompany = (select top 1(INTERID) from #wfEscalateTemp) 
    --create a string to be executed
    select @exestring = @curcompany + '.dbo.wfScanForOverdueTasks' 
    --execute the string
    if exists(select name from master..sysdatabases where name = @curcompany)  begin 
        print @exestring
        exec @exestring 
    --delete this line in the temp table
    delete from #wfEscalateTemp where INTERID = @curcompany 
    --update the count, and loop
    select @count = count(*) from #wfEscalateTemp

Hello All,

I am 99.99% sure there isn't a web service method nor eConnect endpoint to generate Purchasing Returns (Returns Transaction Entry) in GP.   If this is true, how can I grammatically create these transactions? I'd like to hear if anyone else has been challenged by this.

Thank you in advance!


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