joelee 8/18/2012 1:00:45 PM

Problems with taIVCreateUOFMScheduleLine


Using GP 2010's user interface (Tools->Setup->Inventory->Unit of Measure Scheudle) I am able to create a schedule with a base unit of measure named Each, quantity=1, equivalent = Each, and then another line named Quarter with quantity=.25 and equivalent = Each, so 4 Quarters equals 1 Each.

However, in Econnect I am unable to create a second detail line with an EQUOMQTY value that is less than 1.  I get the following error, which I believe is wrong, because it clearly says that the value cannot be <= 0, but clearly the value is greater than 0.

Error Number = 4771 Stored Procedure= taIVCreateUOFMScheduleLine Error Description = The Equivalent Unit of Measure Quantity (EQUOMQTY) can not be <= 0

 Node Identifier Parameters: taIVCreateUOFMScheduleLine




 EQUOMQTY = 0.25

Is this a known bug, or am I doing something wrong? See code below. It works perfectly fine if the second detail line is equal or greater than 1.




  Dim uom As New taIVCreateUOFMScheduleHeader

        Dim uomDetail1 As New taIVCreateUOFMScheduleLine_ItemsTaIVCreateUOFMScheduleLine
        Dim uomDetail2 As New taIVCreateUOFMScheduleLine_ItemsTaIVCreateUOFMScheduleLine

        Dim uomtype As New IVCreateUOFMScheduleType

        With uom
            .UMSCHDSC = "MYUOM"
            .UOMSCHDL = "MYUOM"
            .BASEUOFM = "EACH"
            .UMDPQTYS = 5
        End With

        With uomDetail1
            .UOMSCHDL = "MYUOM"
            .UOFM = "EACH"
            .EQUIVUOM = "EACH"
            .EQUOMQTY = 1.0
        End With
        With uomDetail2
            .UOMSCHDL = "MYUOM"
            .UOFM = "QUARTER"
            .EQUIVUOM = "EACH"
            .EQUOMQTY = 0.25
        End With

        Dim eConnect As New eConnectType

        Dim uomDetails(1) As taIVCreateUOFMScheduleLine_ItemsTaIVCreateUOFMScheduleLine
        uomDetails(0) = uomDetail1
        uomDetails(1) = uomDetail2
        uomtype.taIVCreateUOFMScheduleLine_Items = uomDetails

        uomtype.taIVCreateUOFMScheduleHeader = uom



Version: GP 2010
Section: eConnect

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